Otto Willmann

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Otto Willmann
Memorial plaque for Otto Willmann in Augustinerstraße 6a in Salzburg

Gustav Philipp Otto Willmann (born April 24, 1839 in Polish Lissa , then Kingdom of Prussia , † July 1, 1920 in Leitmeritz ) was a German Catholic philosopher and educator .


He studied philology in Breslau and Berlin and education in Leipzig . During his studies in 1857 he became a member of the Raczek fraternity in Breslau . From 1868 to 1872 he was head of the training school under Friedrich Dittes at the pedagogy in Vienna.

From 1872 he taught at the German University in Prague . He was a representative of the positions of Johann Friedrich Herbart . Willmann was probably the most important pedagogue in old Austria. He tried to find a philosophical foundation for pedagogy. His oeuvre has encyclopaedic proportions and deals with topics far beyond pedagogy.

In 1974 Otto-Willmann-Gasse in Vienna- Favoriten was named after him. In 1887 he became an honorary member of the KDStV Ferdinandea Prague .

In 1970 the Societas Litterarum Artiumque Ottonis Willmannis was founded in Salzburg in his memory.


Original editions

  • De figuris grammaticis , Berlin 1862
  • The Odyssey in Educational Classes , Leipzig 1868
  • Pedagogical lectures , Leipzig 1868
  • Reader from Homer , Leipzig 1889
  • Reader from Herodotus , Leipzig 1890
  • Didactics as educational theory according to its relationship to social research and to the history of education . 2 volumes. Vieweg, Braunschweig 1882/89
  • History of idealism . 3 volumes. Vieweg, Braunschweig 1894/96/97
  • Philosophical propaedeutics for high school lessons and self-study
    • Part one: logic . Herder, Freiburg 1901
    • Second part: empirical psychology . Herder, Freiburg 1904
    • Third part: historical introduction to metaphysics . Herder, Freiburg 1914
  • From the lecture hall and school room. Collected smaller writings on education and teaching . Herder, Freiburg 1904
  • Aristotle as a pedagogue and didactician . Reuther & Reichard, Berlin 1909
  • The most important philosophical terms in a historical order . Kösel (Kösel 28 collection), Kempten / Munich 1909
  • The teaching level in the service of the Christian people. Collected speeches, lectures and essays . Kösel, Kempten / Munich 1910
  • From the workshop of Philosophia perennis . Collected Philosophical Writings . Herder, Freiburg 1912

Published posthumously :

  • Science from the point of view of Catholic truth . Bonifacius printing works, Paderborn 1921
  • Pythagorean educational wisdom . From the estate of ed. v. Wenzel Pohl . Herder, Freiburg 1922
  • Small educational writings . Concerned by Josef Antz and Eugen Schoelen . Schöningh, Paderborn 1959

Work edition

  • Complete works , ed. v. Heinrich and Marga Bitterlich-Willmann in Scientia-Verlag, Aalen 1967–1988, ISBN 3-511-03700-X
    • Volume 1: 1857-1868 . Aalen 1968, ISBN 3-511-03701-8
    • Volume 2: 1868-1873 . Aalen 1969, ISBN 3-511-03702-6
    • Volume 3: 1873-1875 . Aalen 1971, ISBN 3-511-03703-4
    • Volume 4: 1875-1882 . Aalen 1980, ISBN 3-511-03704-2
    • Volume 5: Didactics as educational theory according to its relationship to social research and the history of education. Volume 1 . Aalen 1988, ISBN 3-511-03705-0
    • Volume 6: Didactics as educational theory according to its relationship to social research and the history of education. Volume 2 . Aalen 1988, ISBN 3-511-03706-9
    • Volume 7: 1882-1901 . Aalen 1982, ISBN 3-511-03707-7
    • Volume 8: History of Idealism. Volume 1: Prehistory and History of Ancient Idealism . Aalen 1973, ISBN 3-511-03708-5 . Digital copies
    • Volume 9: History of Idealism. Volume 2: The Idealism of the Church Fathers and the Realism of the Scholastics . Aalen 1975, ISBN 3-511-03709-3
    • Volume 10: History of Idealism. Volume 3: The idealism of the modern age . Aalen 1979, ISBN 3-511-03710-7

In addition, Willmann was editor or co-editor of various magazines, the pedagogical writings of Herbart (2 volumes Leipzig 1873) and Theodor Waitz (Braunschweig 1898) as well as the five-volume lexicon of pedagogy (Freiburg im Breisgau 1913-1917).


  • Constantin von Wurzbach : Willmann, Otto Philipp August . In: Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich . 56th part. Kaiserlich-Königliche Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, Vienna 1888, pp. 191–193 ( digitized version ).
  • Festschrift for the 75th birthday of Hofrat Dr. Otto Willmann , ed. v. Catholic Provincial and Teachers' Association of Upper Austria and Salzburg (Catholic school leaflets 13–17), Salzburg 1914
  • Wenzel Pohl (ed.): Contributions to Philosophia and Paedagogia Perennis. Celebration for the 80th birthday of Otto Willmann . Herder, Freiburg 1919
  • Leopold Krebs (ed.): Otto Willmann in memory . Herder, Freiburg 1939
  • Bitterly Willmann, Heinrich: Otto Willmann. Bibliography 1861–1966 . Scientia, Aalen 1967, ISBN 3-511-03729-8
  • Brezinka, Wolfgang: Pedagogy in Austria. The history of the subject at the universities from the 18th to the end of the 20th century. Volume 2: Prague, Graz, Innsbruck . Publishing house of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna 2003, ISBN 3-7001-3218-2

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Fraternity leaves . XIV., Berlin 1900, p. 282.
  2. ^ Short biography of Willmann by Eva Fessler
  3. Complete directory of the CV The honorary members, old men and students of the Cartell Association (CV) of the cath. German student associations. 1912, Strasbourg i. Els. 1912, p. 311.
  4. Willmann, Otto . In: Meyers Konversations-Lexikon . 4th edition. Volume 18, Verlag des Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig / Vienna 1885–1892, p. 1003.