Otto von Königsmarck

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Otto Graf von Königsmarck (born March 2, 1815 in Berlin ; † May 2, 1889 in Oberlesnitz ) was an administrative lawyer in the service of the Crown of Prussia. He was President of the Province of Poznan and briefly Prussian Minister of Agriculture.


His parents were Hans Valentin von Königsmarck (* June 7, 1773; † November 26, 1849) and his wife Henriette von Struensee (1779-1832), who was the daughter of Finance Minister Carl August von Struensee . His brother Hans (1799–1876) was envoy to Constantinople and a member of the Prussian mansion, Adolf (1802–1875) was Vice-Ober-Schlosshauptmann von Rheinsberg.


Königsmarck was the owner of a manor in Oberlesnitz. From 1842 to 1848 he was district administrator for the Osthavelland district. He was also General Landscape Director for the Poznan Province. He was also a member of the Provincial Parliament . From 1855 until his death he was a member of the Prussian manor house . He was strictly conservative and was considered an expert on agricultural issues. During a government crisis in 1869, Albrecht von Roon proposed him as the successor to Finance Minister August von der Heydt because of his conservative views . Otto von Bismarck , who preferred an expert, refused. Between 1869 and 1873, Königsmarck was President of the Prussian Province of Posen . He was also President of the Government . In 1873 he was the Prussian Minister of Agriculture from January 13th. The appointment took place in the course of Bismarck's temporary withdrawal from the office of the Prussian Prime Minister. With the end of the Roons government came the de facto end of the ministerial office of Königsmarck. As early as September 1873, he asked for his release. Since October he has not attended any meeting of the State Ministry . In December 1873 it was formally adopted.

Königsmarckstraße in Berlin-Grunewald was named after him.


He married Helene von Klitzing on October 25, 1839 (born November 13, 1815). The couple had several children:

  • Otto Wilhelm (* July 21, 1840; † August 21, 1879), politician ⚭ Countess Caroline von Pückler-Groditz (* June 28, 1852)
  • Ludwig Wilhelm Ferdinand (December 1, 1841 - August 20, 1923), district administrator
  • Konrad Friedrich Wolfgang (* September 27, 1846; † 1873)
  • Adolf Wichard (February 7, 1852 - October 8, 1922) ⚭ 1884 Anna Luice von Klitzing (* December 17, 1862), daughter of the manor owner and politician Leberecht von Klitzing (1827–1895)
  • Helene (* January 23, 1856 - May 7, 1920) ⚭ Walther von Etzel (* January 22, 1847 - August 29, 1893), commander of the Infantry Regiment No. 71
  • Henriette Agnes Helene (1848–1873) ⚭ Friedrich von Scheliha (* March 12, 1829 - January 15, 1895), Lieutenant General

See also


  • Protocols of the Prussian State Ministry vol. 6 / I p. 35f, digitized
  • Protocols of the Prussian State Ministry Vol. 6 / II. P. 664 digitized
  • Gothaisches genealogical pocket book of the count's houses to the year 1876 ​​p.458

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Yearbook of the German Nobility , Volume 2, 1898, p.278
  2. Gothaisches genealogical pocket book of the count's houses for the year 1863, p.673
  3. ^ Yearbook of the German Nobility . Volume 2, 1898, p. 277 ( online ).
  4. ^ History of the Barons von Senden and Barons Schuler von Senden, p. 187, side view