Patrick Califia

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Patrick Califia (*  1954 near Corpus Christi , Texas ; formerly Pat Califia) is an American writer who specializes in the topics of female sexuality and erotic literature ( essays and poems). He is a bisexual trans man .


Califia was born to Mormon parents. In 1971 he was in Salt Lake City to be coming out as a lesbian and changed his name to Pat Califia . He chose the surname after the mythical Amazon queen Califia . After initially becoming a regional activist, he traveled to San Francisco in 1973 to work on the San Francisco Sex Information Switchboard in the area of sexual education .

His first book was titled Sapphistry , a non-fiction book in which he openly writes about butch-femme sexuality and BDSM safety issues and practices. Other works have appeared in lesbian , gay and feminist magazines. Research obtained while studying psychology at San Francisco State University was published in 1979 in the Journal of Homosexuality .

With the founding of Samois , California's interests increasingly turned to lesbian experiences in BDSM and contributing to the book Coming to Power published by Alyson Publications . In 1996, Califia co-edited the sequel, The Second Coming: A Leatherdyke Reader , with Robin Sweeney . In 1992 Califia founded the quarterly leather women's magazine Venus Infers .

During this time he also wrote essays in the areas of queer studies and gender studies , in which he also dealt with his personal issues. During this time Califia made the decision for a future male gender role . Califia underwent testosterone based hormone therapy and changed its name to Patrick.

Califia has suffered from fibromyalgia since the 1990s , which limits the ability to type and write. Patrick currently works in a private practice in California as a marriage and family therapist and continues to publish. He has a son with former partner Matt Rice.

In Public Sex: The Culture of Radical Sex , Califia analyzed the hostility towards pornography on the part of the state and large sections of the women's movement.



  • Pat Califia: A Personal View of the History of the Lesbian S / M Community and Movement in San Francisco . In: Coming to Power: Writings and Graphics on Lesbian S / M . Alyson Publications, Boston, 3rd edition, October 1987, ISBN 0-932870-28-7
  • Sapphistry: The book of lesbian sexuality , Naiad Press, 1988, ISBN 0-941483-24-X
  • Sex Changes: The Politics of Transgenderism , Cleis Press, 1997, ISBN 1-57344-072-8
  • Public Sex: The Culture of Radical Sex (Essays), Cleis Press, 2000, ISBN 1-57344-096-5
  • Sensuous Magic: A Guide for Adventurous Lovers , Masquerade Books, 1998, ISBN 1-56333-610-3
  • Speaking Sex to Power: The Politics of Queer Sex (Essays), Cleis Press, 2001, ISBN 1-57344-132-5




Non-fiction books in German translation

Prose in German translation

  • Women and other predators , erotic stories (translated by Antje Wagner and Manuela Lachmann), Querverlag, March 2009, ISBN 3-89656-164-2

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ : Patrick Califia-Rice: The Queer Issue - Family Values , June 21-27, 2000


  • Anne-Marie Cusac: Profile of a sex radical - lesbian, sadomasochist author Pat Califia. In: The Progressive. October 1996, online at: Profile of a sex radical ( Memento from July 8, 2012 in the web archive )

Web links