Paul Martin Neurath

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Paul Martin Neurath (born September 12, 1911 in Vienna, † September 3, 2001 in New York City) was an American sociologist of Austrian origin. He was the son of the philosopher Otto Neurath and the writer and poet Anna Schapire-Neurath .

Live and act

Paul M. Neurath grew up in Gallneukirchen in Upper Austria and in Vienna. He studied law and obtained his doctorate in 1937. jur. During his studies he was active in the socialist youth . After Austria's annexation to National Socialist Germany, he tried to flee (his father had fled the Austrofascists to Holland in 1934 ), but was arrested before the Czechoslovak border and first deported to the Dachau concentration camp and then to the Buchenwald concentration camp .

In 1939 Neurath was released from the concentration camp and received a visa for Sweden , where he worked as a lathe operator until 1941 . In 1941 he was able to emigrate to the USA , where he studied sociology and statistics at Columbia University in New York City . He was research assistant at Paul F. Lazarsfeld , where he received his Ph. D. in sociology in 1951 .

Until his retirement he was professor of sociology at the City University of New York and also visiting professor in New Delhi, Bombay and Cologne. In the 1950s he visited his hometown Vienna several times, where he married in 1955. Since 1971 he has been a regular visiting professor and honorary professor at the University of Vienna. In 1980 he founded the Lazarsfeld Archive at the University of Vienna , which he directed until his death.

Vienna honored Neurath with the Golden Decoration of Honor for Services to the State of Vienna , and the State of Austria awarded him the Cross of Honor for Science and Art .

He died on September 3, 2001 in New York.

Fonts (selection)

  • The Society of Terror. Interior views of the Dachau and Buchenwald concentration camps , Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 2004, ISBN 3518583972
  • Statistics for social scientists. An Introduction to Statistical Thinking (1983), ISBN 3432010222

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