Paul Riant

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Paul Riant after 1880

Paul Riant , completely Paul Édouard Didier Riant , from 1864 Comte Riant (born August 8, 1836 in Paris , † December 17, 1888 in Vorpillière near Massongex , buried in the Abbey of Saint-Maurice ) was a French archeologist and orientalist .

life and work

Riant came from a wealthy, middle-class Parisian family. He attended the Lycée Louis-le-Grand and the Jesuit College Vaugirard in the 15th arrondissement (Paris) . In 1859 he went on an extensive study trip to Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland, which he repeated in 1862. In 1865 he received his doctorate in philology at the Paris Sorbonne with a thesis on the Scandinavian share of pilgrimages and expeditions to the Holy Land at the time of the Crusades ( Expéditions et pèlerinages des Scandinaves en Terre Sainte au temps des croisades ).

The work attracted the attention of experts as well as Pope Pius IX. who made Riant Comes romanus . Riant had found his life theme in the Orient at the time of the Crusades, Orient Latin , which he deepened in the following years through numerous trips, extensive correspondence and the construction of a monumental research library of 40,000 volumes. He was responsible for the publication of many previously unedited medieval reports of pilgrimages and crusades and successfully tracked down works that were long believed lost.

In 1875 he founded the Société de l'Orient latin . He financed almost exclusively their publications such as the two volumes of the Archives de l'Orient latin (1881 and 1884) and the twelve-volume Revue de l'Orient latin and facsimile printing such as the Prologus Arminensis . He also generously supported the work of other scholars such as the German crusade researcher Reinhold Röhricht . For Röhricht's standard work Bibliotheca geographica Palaestinae , he sent a box with materials that were otherwise difficult to obtain to Berlin. Röhricht, in turn, dedicated this work to his memory when it was published in 1890 and wrote the commemorative article in the magazine of the German Palestine Association .

In 1880 Riant was appointed a member of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres .

For health reasons, he spent most of the time at his Swiss castle in Vorpillière. In 1882 he moved there entirely and died here six years later.


Riant's library, which was also the library of the Société, was cataloged after his death and prepared for auction. The Scandinavian collection with over 5000 printed volumes, 500 manuscripts and 16,000 dissertations at Swedish universities was acquired by Yale University in 1896 with the help of a donation . The other part of the library with numerous manuscripts acquired Harvard University in 1899 , mainly financed by Archibald Cary Coolidge . A small part of his private collection of around 50 volumes came to the Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire in Lausanne via the Robert Fazy collection .



  • Expéditions et pèlerinages des Scandinaves en Terre sainte au temps des croisades. Paris: impr. de A. Lainé and J. Havard 1865
Supplement: Tables . Paris 1869
  • (Ed.) Guntheri Alemanni scholastici monachis et prioris Parisiensis de expugnatione urbis Constantinopolitane unde inter alias reliquias magna pars sancte crucis in Alemanniam est allata seu Historia Constantinopolitana. Genevae: Fuck 1875
  • Exuviae sacrae constantinopolitanae ... fasciculus documentorum ecclesiasticorum ad byzantina lipsana in occidentum saeculo XIII translata spectantium et historiam quarti belli sacri imperiique gallo-graeci illustrantium. Genevae: Fick 1877–1878 (2 volumes) Reprint Paris 2004 ISBN 2-7355-0570-7 ; a third volume appeared posthumously in 1904
  • (Ed.) Alexii I Comneni Romanorum imperatoris ad Robertum I Flandriae comitem epistola spuria. Genevae: Fuck 1879
  • Inventaire critique des lettres historiques des croisades. I-II: 768-1100. Paris: E. Leroux 1880 ( Archives de l'Orient latin 1 (1881), pp. 1–224)
  • Le Martyre de Thiémon de Salzburg (September 28, 1102). Paris: A. Palmé 1886
  • (posthumous) Études sur l'histoire de l'église de Bethléem. Publ. D'après l. notes de l'author p. Charles Kohler. Gênes: Impr. De l'Inst. rd sourds-muets; II: Paris: E. Leroux 1889–1896 (2 volumes)


  • Reinhold Röhricht: Count Paul Riant . In: Journal of the German Palestine Association , 12, 1889, pp. 74–80 (with list of publications)
  • Catalog de la bibliothèque de feu M. le comte Riant.
    • Premiere part: Livres concernant la Scandinavie. Picard, Paris 1896,
    • Deuxieme game
      • Volume 1 (No. 1-1850). Paris: Picard 1899, with bibliography of the writings of Riants, pp. XIX-XLV
      • Volume 2 (No. 1851-5192). Paris: Picard 1899,

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ William Dawson Johnston, Isadore Gilbert Mudge: Special collections in libraries in the United States. Washington / DC 1912, p. 58