Paul Stange from Legendorf

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Paul Stange von Legendorf (* around 1415 probably in Legendorf near Rehden ; † July 23, 1467 in Braunsberg ; also Paul von Legendorf ) was a Kulmland clergyman and prince-bishop of Warmia .


He was probably the son of the district judge and diplomat of the Teutonic Order Hans von Logendorf or Legendorf († after 1439). His brother-in-law was called Fabian Maul von Legendorf (1426–1483), Wojewode von Pommerellen and ancestor of the Counts of Lehndorff .

Paul von Legendorf was enrolled at the University of Leipzig in 1441 , where he received his bachelor's degree in 1442 . As a cleric of the Kulm diocese , he had been at the Roman Curia since 1447 . Until 1460 he worked as papal clerk, from 1458 as notary, later as protonotary . In 1452 he received the ordination as a subdeacon , in 1454 the ordination as a deacon . Paul von Legendorf maintained relationships with Cardinal Enea Silvio Piccolomini , who became Bishop of Warmia in 1457 . In 1458, after he had become Pope as Pius II, Paul von Legendorf was appointed administrator of the Diocese of Warmia. Canonically elected bishop by the cathedral chapter between 1459 and 1461 , he was confirmed by the pope in 1461.

Paul von Legendorf was sent by the Pope to his diocese in 1460 with the order to restore peace through neutrality in the Prussian City War (1454–1466). Here, through negotiations, he succeeded in regaining the territory under the principality of Warmia, but was unable to protect the territory of his diocese from war damage and in 1464 concluded a separate peace with the Polish King Casimir IV , the content of which was confirmed in the Second Peace of Thorn of October 1466 . The Warmia passed from the patronage of the Teutonic Order to that of the Kingdom of Poland. The episcopal ordination , which had not taken place because of the war, was donated to him in November 1466 in Thorn Jan Gruszczyński , the archbishop of Gniezno. Paul Stange von Legendorf died the following year as a result of an epidemic . He was buried at the parish church of St. Katharina von Braunsberg.


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Individual evidence

  1. Maul called von Legendorf, Fabian , index entry: German biography, accessed on June 9, 2018
predecessor Office successor
Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini Bishop of Warmia
Nikolaus von Tüngen