Paul Straßenberger

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Paul Straßenberger (also: Strassenberger ; born June 4, 1910 in Würzburg ; † March 18, 1956 ) was a German politician ( KPD / SED ) and economic functionary. He was the first deputy chairman of the GDR State Planning Commission .


Straßenberger, the son of a Reichsbahn official, attended elementary school and high school . He passed the Abitur and began studying at the Technical University of Munich in 1929 . In 1930 he joined the KPD. Straßenberger was also a member of the Communist Student Group (Kostufra).

After the " seizure of power " by the National Socialists , he continued to work illegally for the KPD. Straßenberger was arrested in March 1933 and was imprisoned in Munich prison and in Dachau concentration camp until December 1933 . After his release he was able to resume his studies and graduated with a degree in engineering. From 1934 he was doing illegal work in the SA on behalf of the KPD . From 1935 he worked as a designer and engineer in Augsburg and Schweinfurt . In 1937 he moved to Berlin , where he started working for Siemens . From 1939 he was employed in the BMW aircraft engine works.

After the end of the war , from May to September 1945, Straßenberger was secretary of the city administration of Neustadt an der Orla . In 1945 he rejoined the KPD and in 1946 became a member of the SED. At the end of 1945 he became head of the planning and statistics department, then in 1946 head of the statistics and economic control department of the German Central Administration for Industry. From 1948 to 1950 he headed the main department of comprehensive planning of the main economic planning administration in the German Economic Commission and was deputy head of the central planning office in the Ministry of Planning. From 1951 to 1953 he was deputy chairman of the State Planning Commission (SPK). In 1954 he completed a correspondence course at the party college "Karl Marx" . From 1953 to 1956, Straßenberger acted as State Secretary and First Deputy Chairman of the SPK. In 1953 he was a member of the commission for the takeover of the last SAG companies .

From 1954 to 1956, Straßenberger was also a member of the economics section of the German Academy of Sciences .
