Paul Trübenbach

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Paul Trübenbach (born August 3, 1876 in Chemnitz , † November 26, 1934 in Berlin ) was a German author and publisher of newspapers, books, pictures and postcards about farm animals, ornamental poultry and pedigree pigeons. He was also a breeder of pedigree chickens and pedigree pigeons.

life and work

Paul Trübenbach was born in Chemnitz and lived in Grüna , where he was also a member of the local poultry breeding association.

His father Albert Trübenbach was a builder and architect , from whom he inherited his passion for poultry farming. Gottfried, Paul Trübenbach's son, also dedicated himself to her and raised white dwarf Wyandot chickens and, in the family tradition, bantam chickens.

Paul Trübenbach, the graduate doctor , wrote his dissertation from 1902 on the subject of "The influence of the use of working machines on the level of net income in agriculture".

In his publishing house "Geflügel-Welt" in Chemnitz, Logestrasse 1, he published a large number of his own works, but also books and writings by other well-known authors such as Hugo Bayer, Dir. B. Blancke, Franz Böhme, Otto Friese, Günther, Körber, Menge, Wilhelm Kleffner, Franz Panek and works by his friend Arthur Wulf. He also published works by Erich Klein (February 15, 1881 to May 4, 1948), who also worked for his publishing house “Geflügel-Welt” for some time.

From 1909 to 1928 he published the specialist magazine “Geflügel-Welt” with interruptions, which had 14,000 subscribers before the First World War . Paul Trübenbach later sold his “Poultry World”, but remained editor-in-chief. From 1924 the specialist newspapers “Der Zwerghuhn-Züchter”, “Der Tauben-Züchter” and “Der Minorkafreund” came from his publishing house.

Paul Trübenbach was also a judge , chairman of the breeding committee of the Federation of German Poultry Breeders, a member of almost 50 domestic and foreign clubs, including an honorary member of 34 clubs. He was a breeder of pedigree chickens such as Bantam and White Wyandotten, but also dealt intensively with other chicken breeds such as Leghorn or Saxon chickens .

Among the pedigree pigeons it was mainly the wig pigeons that he dedicated himself to. In 1906 he was a co-founder of the main association of wig pigeon and peacock fanciers in Germany. 1906 to 1910 secretary and from 1910 to 1913 first chairman of the association. In the book “Our domestic fowl part II - The pigeon races” by Lavalle and Lietze, published in 1905, Paul Trübenbach wrote the contribution “The wig pigeons” together with HJ Better from Strasbourg-Ruprechtsau. In 1925 he published his book "Die Wückentaube", which was illustrated with 40 illustrations.

Particular interest was Paul Trübenbach also pigeons as the German Mövchen, Chinese Mövchen, Eistauben , Saxon color pigeons , and pigeon breeds of the Baltic States and Britain .

Paul Trübenbach was a frequent visitor to the then important poultry exhibitions in Great Britain . He often designed his publications with international contributions from recognized experts. The German National Library lists Paul Trübenbach as an author, publisher and his publishing house “Geflügel-Welt” with 33 books and brochures in its archive.

Own writings that were published by his publisher

  • Modern Minorka, their history, breeding and care . With the cooperation of important breeders. Verlag Geflügel-Welt, Chemnitz 1913.
  • Construction and installation of modern dovecotes. Verlag Geflügel-Welt, Chemnitz 1914. 2nd edition, Verlag Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz 1922, with the appendix, Wilhelm Dördelmann set up a pigeon loft.
  • Natural brood and modern chick rearing . Verlag Geflügel-Welt, Chemnitz 1914. 2nd edition Verlag Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz 1920.
  • Breeding tables for pedigree pigeon fanciers with instructions for keeping the breeding lists: Hints for pigeon fanciers. Verlag Geflügel-Welt, Chemnitz 1914.
  • White Wyandottes, their breeding and care . Verlag Geflügel-Welt, Chemnitz 1915. 2nd edition Verlag Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz 1922.
  • Practical poultry breeding (instruction on beneficial poultry breeding for poultry breeders) . Verlag Geflügel-Welt, Chemnitz 1918. 2nd and 3rd edition Verlag Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz 1920 and 1923.
  • Appropriate and profitable poultry feeding, in particular feeding the hens to achieve the highest egg yields In a generally understandable manner based on the latest experience and on the basis of personal observation . Verlag Geflügel-Welt, Chemnitz 1918. 2nd edition Verlag Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz 1920.
  • Feeding and feeding of the pedigree pigeons . Verlag Geflügel-Welt, Chemnitz 1920.
  • The ABC of practical duck breeding for commercial purposes. Verlag Geflügel-Welt, Chemnitz 1919. 2nd edition Verlag Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz 1921.
  • The ABC of practical goose breeding for commercial purposes. Verlag Geflügel-Welt, Chemnitz 1919. 2nd edition Verlag Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz 1921.
  • Rational turkey breeding . With appendix: the guinea fowl and the peacock. Verlag Geflügel-Welt, Chemnitz 1919. 2nd edition Verlag Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz 1921.
  • Calendar for poultry farmers. 1920.
  • Handbook for bantam farmers. Publishing house Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz 1921. Contributor: Oscar Schaerff.
  • Judges book. Publishing house Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz 1921.
  • Calendar poultry world. Author collective. 1923.
  • The gull pigeon. Publishing house Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz 1922.
  • The Plymouths in words and pictures. Publishing house Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz 1922.
  • The wig pigeon. Publishing house Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz 1925.
  • Rose-rimmed bantams. Publishing house Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz 1926.
  • The peacock - a study. Publishing house Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz 1926.

Writings by other authors that have been published by his publisher

  • Ferdinand Körber: The "Show Homer" . Publishing house Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz 1910.
  • Arthur Wulf: The poultry exhibitor . Publishing house Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz 1910.
  • Arthur Wulf: The trap nest . Publishing house Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz 1914.
  • Hugo Bayer: The South German color dove in words and pictures. Publishing house Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz 1914. 2nd edition 1920 with appendix: The pigeon diseases and their treatment .
  • Robert Exner: Beneficial beekeeping . Publishing house Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz approx. 1917.
  • Alexander Bode: Community fruit growing . Publishing house Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz 1917.
  • Hans Wedding: Rote Rhodeländer, in the past, present and future . 1st edition Verlag Geflügel-Welt, Chemnitz 1918. 2nd edition Verlag Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz 1922.
  • Wilhelm Kleffner: Guide for the "artificial brood and rearing" of poultry . Publishing house Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz 1918.
  • Wilhelm Dackweiler: Practical hints for poultry farmers. 1st edition Verlag Geflügel-Welt, Chemnitz 1919. 2nd edition Verlag Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz 1921.
  • Hans Günther: racing pigeons and racing pigeons . Publishing house Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz 1919.
  • Richard Braun: Guide to profitable goat breeding . Publishing house Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz 1919.
  • Arthur Wulf: Chicken breeding in the city, taking into account bantam breeding . 1st edition Verlag Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz 1919. 2nd edition edited by Wilhelm Kleffner. Verlag Geflügel-Welt, Chemnitz.
  • Erich Klein: Berlin bottlenose dolphins . Publishing house Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz 1920.
  • Erich Klein: The young pigeon fancier . Publishing house Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz 1920. 2nd edition approx. 1927.
  • Martin Reuter (district veterinarian retired): The poultry diseases and their treatment . Publishing house Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz 1920.
  • Richard Braun: Guide to profitable rabbit breeding . Publishing house Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz 1920.
  • Arthur Wulf: Möven and Brakel. Publishing house Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz 1920.
  • Richard Braun: Guide to profitable goat breeding . Publishing house Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz 1921.
  • Arthur Wulf: Handbook for Italian breeders . Publishing house Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz 1922.
  • Arthur Wulf: Which poultry breed is the best as Nutzhuhn . Publishing house Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz 1922.
  • Wilhelm Kleffner: Goose breeding and geese species. Publisher Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz 1922.
  • Ms. Böhme: The Sussex chicken. Publishing house Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz approx. 1924.
  • Arthur Wulf: Hamburger, all colors. Publishing house Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz 1925.
  • Otto Friese: The Koburg Lark in words and pictures. Publisher Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz 1925.
  • Hermann Schoepf: From the egg cell to the chick . Publishing house Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz 1925.
  • Franz Panek: The Viennese bottlenose dolphins . (Pre-printed in "Der Tauben-Züchter" September 1925 to April 1926). Publishing house Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz 1926.
  • Arthur Wulf: The Orpington . Publishing house Dr. Paul Trübenbach, Chemnitz 1927.

Trade journals from his publisher

Newspaper: "Der Tauben-Züchter" (1925) Verlag Dr. Paul Trübenbach
  • Poultry World (1909-1928). Verlag Geflügel-Welt, Chemnitz.
  • Der Minorkafreund (magazine of the Club of German Minorka Breeders 1925 - 1928)
  • The pigeon breeder (1924, 1925, 1926 -?)
  • The bantam breeder (1924 -?)


Medal of Honor of the SRV (Saxon Poultry Breeders Association) 2010 (posthumously).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Austrian National Library, ANNO, Wiener Landwirtschaftliche Zeitung, 1903-05-13, page 4. Retrieved on March 10, 2019 .
  2. ^ Austrian National Library, ANNO, Der Zeitungs-Verlag, 1922-10-27, page 11. Retrieved on March 10, 2019 .
  3. ^ Journal: "The Austrian Pigeon Breeder" January 1935 . Vienna 1935.
  4. Lavalle A. Dr. and Lietze Max: Our domestic fowl part II “The pigeon races”. Fritz Pfenningstorff Verlag, Berlin, 1905, accessed on March 10, 2019 .
  5. German National Library. Retrieved March 10, 2019 .