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Parish Δημοτική Ενότητα Πεταλιδίου
Petalidi (Greece)
Basic data
State : GreeceGreece Greece
Region : Peloponnese


Regional District : Messinia
Municipality : Messini
Geographic coordinates : 36 ° 57 ′  N , 21 ° 56 ′  E Coordinates: 36 ° 57 ′  N , 21 ° 56 ′  E
Height above d. M .: 21 m
Area : 104.970 km²
Residents : 3,217 (2011)
Population density : 30.6 inhabitants / km²
Code No .: 440307
Structure: f12f1212 local communities
Located in the municipality of Messini and in the Messenia region
File: DE Petalidiou.svg

Petalidi ( Greek Πεταλίδι , ( n. Sg. )) Is a small town on the Messenian Peninsula, the westernmost 'finger' of the Peloponnese and since 2011 a municipality of the Messini municipality . From 1997 to the end of 2010, Petalidi was the administrative seat of a municipality of the same name.


Petalidi is located on the west coast of the Messenian Gulf on the road that connects the further south Koroni with Kalamata , south of the national road 82 Pylos - Kalamata.

Petalidi borders Epia to the south, Chiliochora , Pylos and Voufrades to the west, Aristomenis to the north, Messini to the northeast and the sea to the east.

The landscape is predominantly characterized by rocky mountainous terrain with little scrub; around Petalidi there is agriculture, and some pine forests.

The bay north of Petalidi is called Petalidi Bay.


In the area of ​​Karpofora near Nichoria , on a hill consisting of olives and figs, excavations in 1970 not only revealed architectural remains from the Middle Helladic (approx. 2000–1600 BC), but also remnants from earlier eras and buildings from the late and late periods found sub Mycenaean times.

In the area of ​​Petalidi was the ancient city of Korone (while today's Koroni is in the area of ​​ancient Asine). Ancient Korone was repopulated by Boeotians in 365 BC , after Messenia was freed from Spartan rule by Epaminondas . From 184 BC it belonged to the Achaean League , in the 2nd century AD it was part of Sparta for a time. In the Middle Ages, Korone was still the seat of a bishopric, but the residents later migrated to the south, which is why the place name was carried over to today's Koroni.

In the Greek War of Liberation in 1828 General Maison landed with a French troop at Petalidi; he succeeded in driving the Turks under Ibrahim Pascha from the Peloponnese. It was not until the 19th century that today's Petalidi was repopulated by immigrants from the Mani peninsula ; Since the maniots kept their customs (blood revenge, hospitality) and their dialect, Petalidi remained a branch of the Mani for generations.

Villages and settlements

The municipality of Petalidi was formed in 1997 from 12 previously independent municipalities, which now elect local representatives in the municipality of Messini as local communities:

  • Achladochori, 344 inhabitants,
  • Daras, 293 inhabitants,
  • Drosia, 75 inhabitants,
  • Kalochori, 133 inhabitants,
  • Karpofora, 176 inhabitants. In the area near Niochoria there is an excavation site, as well as the Byzantine churches of Zoodochos Pigis and Agios Nikolaos.
  • Kastania, 44 inhabitants,
  • Kokkino, 83 inhabitants,
  • Lykissa, 71 inhabitants,
  • Mathia, 60 inhabitants, a small village at the foot of Mount Lykodimos. At the time of the Ottoman rule it is mentioned under the name Dranka. The pirates under Chaireddin Barbarossa destroyed the settlement at that time. At the entrance to the village, a memorial commemorates the Greek struggle for freedom , during which there was fighting here.
  • Neromylos, 324 inhabitants,
  • Paniperi, 380 inhabitants, with the ruins of a Venetian Kastro,
  • Petalidi, 1,244 inhabitants, seat of the former municipality.

Economy and Infrastructure

With extensive sandy beaches, several fish taverns and other restaurants, hotels, a campsite called Petalidi Beach, car and bicycle rentals, the community has a good tourist infrastructure.

There is a monastery not far from the town center.

Individual evidence

  1. Results of the 2011 census at the National Statistical Service of Greece (ΕΛ.ΣΤΑΤ) ( Memento from June 27, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) (Excel document, 2.6 MB).
  2. ^ Susanne Grunauer from Hoerschelmann: Korone (1). In: Siegfried Lauffer (Ed.): Greece. Lexicon of Historic Places. CH Beck, Munich 1989, p. 343 f.
  3. Dr. Vagiakakou, "Petalidi, Colony of the Maniots" (Greek) on the website "η ΦΩΝΗ της Μάνης" (The Voice of the Mani)
  4. Charis Charalambopoulos, Das Kastro and Pera, article in Tharrosnews (Greek) of April 18, 2008