Peter Eyre

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Peter Eyre (born March 11, 1942 in New York City ) is an American actor who lives and works in England .

life and career

Peter Eyre was born the son of a banker in New York City, but was sent to England at the age of 12 to attend a public school , where he has lived most of the time since. At the age of 18 he was offered a place at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art , but he turned it down to study acting at the Sorbonne in Paris . He made his professional acting debut at the Old Vic Theater . In the following decades he was engaged, among others, by the Royal Shakespeare Company and the Royal National Theater , which made him a successful theater actor.

Eyre has been in film and television productions since the mid-1960s, but his work there only intensified towards the end of the 1980s. Often he embodied serious looking official or authority figures in supporting roles. He played several times under the direction of James Ivory , such as Lord Halifax in What Left Of The Days (1993) and Picasso's secretary Jaime Sabartés in My Man Picasso (1996). He also appeared in films by Sally Potter and Bernardo Bertolucci . Since the 2000s, Eyre has been seen less often in film and television roles, but as of 2014 he was still active in the theater as a member of the Royal Shakespeare Company.

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Peter Eyre Biography (1942-). In: Retrieved March 11, 2019 .
  2. ^ Morwenna Jones: Union Interview: RSC Actor Peter Eyre. In: The Cambridge Student. May 1, 2014, accessed March 11, 2019 .
  3. ^ Morwenna Jones: Union Interview: RSC Actor Peter Eyre. In: The Cambridge Student. May 1, 2014, accessed March 11, 2019 .