Peter Fiala

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Peter Fiala (born February 21, 1939 in Vienna ) is an Austrian officer and military historian . He was the deputy head of the Austrian Military Library .


After graduating from the Realgymnasium in Vienna in 1957, he studied chemistry (1957/58), medicine (1958–1962) and philosophy (1962–1966) at the University of Vienna . In 1969 he was at the city's Department of Contemporary History with a thesis on leadership issues and leader accountability in the Austria-Hungarian offensive in Veneto in June 1918 for Dr. phil. PhD. He was a student of the contemporary historian Ludwig Jedlicka .

In 1958 Fiala did military service with Brigadestabskompanie 2 in Vienna and with the Technical Control Service (TKD) of the Austrian Armed Forces . He became a special radio operator, d. H. Listening radio operator , trained and completed the reserve officer candidate course. From 1959 to 1967 he was a reservist with the TKD and in the telecommunications reconnaissance (telecommunications reconnaissance battalion ). In 1965 he was promoted to lieutenant of the reserve, after several weapons exercises in 1978 to major of the reserve. His last mobilization assignment was as 1st command diary officer in the army command. In 1985 he became a colonel of the higher military service (dhmfD) of the militia.

In 1966 he joined the higher library service of the Austrian National Library in Vienna for a few months . In 1967 he moved to the military science department of the Army History Museum in Vienna. From 1968 to 1998 he worked in various departments in the Federal Ministry for National Defense in Vienna. He worked u. a. in state and military policy training. In 1987 he became a Ministerial Councilor . Most recently, the Councilor was deputy head of the Austrian Military Library in the Ministry of Defense in Vienna.

He is a member of the Ludwig Jedlicka Prize Foundation.


Johannes Fischer ( MGFA ) attests to Fiala ( The Last Offensive of Old Austria , 1967) an "exact and clear description" of the Battle of the Piave . In contrast to general staff representations, he strives for "historical [] knowledge". For the military historian Johann Christoph Allmayer-Beck , the author made a “probably almost complete” evaluation of source materials in his dissertation. Occasionally, however, an unbalanced presentation can be established: Fiala makes “sharp judgments” about the military leadership on the one hand, and on the other hand there is a difficulty with the author's own operational-tactical experience. He often backs up his reflections directed against Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf with "partisan" witnesses. Overall, his work as an author and editor is considered to be “valuable” ( Peter Broucek / Kurt Peball ), including the editing of the Kiszling manuscript The High Command of the Habsburg Army in World War I (1977). Fiala was also responsible for the older BMLV publication Preservation of Traditions in the Austrian Armed Forces (1968), which opposed “ conventions ” and “ hurray patriotism ” and was concerned with “ethical values” and their sponsors. The tradition should therefore be conveyed in the classroom. Broucek and Peball considered it “ Jedlicka's most important impetus” for his draft on the military history of Austria .


Fonts (selection)

  • The last offensive in Old Austria. Leadership problems and leadership responsibility in the Austro-Hungarian offensive in Veneto, June 1918 (= Defense Scientific Research / Department of Military History Studies . 3). Boldt, Boppard am Rhein 1967. (= also dissertation, University of Vienna, 1965)
  • The Carinthian defensive battle. A military-historical appraisal on the 50th anniversary of the Carinthian referendum on October 10, 1920 . Federal Ministry for National Defense , Vienna 1970.
  • with Kurt Ragas: The Burgenland. A tribute on the occasion of its 50th anniversary as a federal state of the Republic of Austria . Federal Ministry for National Defense, Vienna 1971.
  • Field Marshal Conrad von Hötzendorf (1852–1925). A tribute to the great Austrian military leader on his 120th birthday on November 11, 1972 . Federal Ministry for National Defense, Vienna 1972.
  • (Ed.): Rudolf Kiszling : The high leadership of the Habsburg armies in the First World War . Federal Ministry for National Defense, Vienna 1979.
  • 1918: il Piave. L'ultima offensiva della duplice monarchia . Arcana, Milan 1982, ISBN 88-85008-49-6 .
  • Il feldmaresciallo Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf. Biografia storico-militare 1852-1925 . Rossato, Novate di Valdagno 1990, ISBN 88-8130-011-7 .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Peter Broucek : Introduction and thanks by the editor . In the S. (Ed.) Field Marshal Lieutenant Alfred Jansa. An Austrian general against Hitler. Memories . After preliminary work by Herta and Claude-Maria-Alfred Jansa, Böhlau, Vienna a. a. 2011, ISBN 978-3-205-78148-6 , pp. 11-26, here: pp. 17 f.
  2. ^ JF [Johannes Fischer]: Advertisements . In: Militärgeschichtliche Mitteilungen 4 (1968) 2, pp. 199–220, here: pp. 217 f.
  3. ^ Johann Christoph Allmayer-Beck : The last offensive of Old Austria. Leadership problems and leadership responsibility in the Austrian-Hungarian offensive in Veneto, June 1918 by Peter Fiala . In: Historische Zeitschrift 208 (1969) 3, p. 693 f.
  4. ^ Peter Broucek , Kurt Peball : Trends and Goals since 1945 . In: Dies .: History of Austrian Military Historiography . Böhlau, Cologne a. a. 2000, ISBN 3-412-05700-2 , pp. 107-180, here: p. 162.
  5. ^ Peter Broucek , Kurt Peball : Trends and Goals since 1945 . In: Dies .: History of Austrian Military Historiography . Böhlau, Cologne a. a. 2000, ISBN 3-412-05700-2 , pp. 107-180, here: p. 137.
  6. a b c Austrian official calendar 1996/97, p. 207.