Kurt Peball

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Kurt Peball (born July 24, 1928 in Bleiberg ; † November 7, 2009 in Klosterneuburg ) was an Austrian historian . He was general director of the Austrian State Archives .


His father was a civil servant at the Bleiberger Bergwerks Union . From 1941 to 1945 Peball attended a high school for boys and girls in Wolfsberg, Carinthia. In 1949 he graduated from the Realgymnasium for boys and girls in Villach. From 1949 to 1953 he began studying history, German and philosophy at the University of Graz . In 1953 Karl Eder received his doctorate as Dr. phil. (Dissertation topic: Investigation of the sources of the Annales Ferdinandei 1578–1637 of Count Franz Christoph Khevenhüller-Frankenburg 1588–1655) .

The preparatory and training course (main course) at the Institute for Austrian Historical Research at the University of Vienna was completed by Leo Santifaller with the state examination in 1956. As a research assistant at the Institute for Austrian Historical Research and a scholarship holder at the Austrian Cultural Institute in Rome, he did research on the edition of the registers Pope Innocent III (1198–1216) in the Vatican Archives .

Then she joined the Austrian State Archives in Vienna, War Archives Department as head of Archives Department 2 of the War Archives with the following sections: old field files (16th century to 1914, with memoirs and war-scientific manuscript collection), literary bequests, archives of the kuk general staff and kuk army high command 1914–1918 as well as new field files (files of the kuk and kk associations and units and their provisions 1914–1918), awards and medals, archive of the Military Maria Theresa Order, and archive of the Federal Army of the First Republic of Austria 1919–1938 / 1940 (Central offices, associations and units). He was provisional director (director) of the archive for transport of the Austrian State Archives and at the same time entrusted with the management of the agendas of the head of the presidential department 5 transport science service of the Federal Ministry of transport.

Peball was a member of the Association of Austrian Archivists, the Commission Autrichienne d'Histoire Militaire and the humanities section of the Austrian UNESCO Commission. The Vice President of the Commission for Research into the History of Austria 1918–1938 and the Austrian Society for Historical Source Studies received an appointment to the court councilor.

He was Deputy Director General of the Austrian State Archives from July 30, 1983 to December 31, 1986, then he became the director of the Archives Department of the Republic of the Austrian State Archives from August 31, 1983 to July 31, 1989. Peball was Director General of the Austrian State Archives and Head of the Austrian Archives Office from January 2, 1987 to December 31, 1993.

He was a board member of the Association of Austrian Archivists and President of the Austrian Society for Historical Source Studies and Honorary President of the same society since 1994, board member of the Historical Commission of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and a member of the Executive Committee of the International Archives Council from 1988 to 1992.

Peball was married and had four children.

Fonts (selection)

  • The battle of St. Gotthard-Mogersdorf 1664 (= military historical series of publications . H. 1). Österreichischer Bundesverlag, Vienna 1964.
  • The Battle of Dürnkrut on August 26, 1278 . (= Military historical series of publications . H. 10). Austrian Federal Publishing House for Education, Science and Art, Vienna 1968. (3rd edition 1992)
  • The fighting in Vienna in February 1934 (= military historical series of publications . H. 25). Austrian Federal Publishing House for Education, Science and Art, Vienna 1974, ISBN 3-215-73223-8 . (2nd edition 1978)
  • with Walter Hummelberger : The fortifications of Vienna (= Viennese history books . Vol. 14). Zsolnay, Vienna a. a. 1974, ISBN 3-552-02606-1 .
  • (Ed. And edited): Conrad von Hötzendorf : Private records. First publications from the papers of the kuk General Staff chief . Amalthea, Vienna a. a. 1977, ISBN 3-85002-073-8 .
  • with Peter Broucek : History of Austrian Military Historiography . Böhlau, Cologne a. a. 2000, ISBN 3-412-05700-2 .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. General Directorate of the Austrian Federal Railways (ed.): Almanach der Österreichische Eisenbahnen 1984. Vienna 1984, p. 11.