Peter Gavin Hall

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Peter Gavin Hall

Peter Gavin Hall (born November 20, 1951 in Sydney , † January 9, 2016 in Melbourne ) was an Australian mathematician who dealt with probability theory and mathematical statistics.

He is the son of radio astronomer Ruby Payne-Scott . Hall studied at the University of Sydney and received his PhD from Oxford University in 1976 with John Kingman . He was a professor at the Australian National University and a professor at the University of Melbourne . He also taught at the University of California, Davis .

He published over 600 scientific papers (2013) and was one of the ISI Highly Cited Researchers. Among other things, he dealt with non-parametric statistics, Bootstrap and Edgeworth developments, wavelets, incorrectly posed inverse problems, fractal methods and high-dimensional statistical learning.

He was a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (of which he was President), the Royal Society , the Royal Society of Edinburgh , the American Statistical Association , the Australian Academy of Science (of which he was Vice President), and the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia and foreign member of the National Academy of Sciences . In 2013 he became an officer in the Order of Australia . He received the Guy Medal in 2011, the George Szekeres Medal in 2013, the Wilks Memorial Award in 2012 and the Hannan Medal in 1994. In 1986 he received the Rollo Davidson Prize . He has received honorary doctorates from the University of Sydney, the Catholic University of Leuven, the University of Glasgow and the Universidad de Cantabria. He was president of the Australian Mathematical Society .

He was the older brother of the photographer and sculptor Fiona Margaret Hall .


  • with CC Heyde: Martingale Limit Theory and its Application, Academic Press, 1980
  • Rates of Convergence in the Central Limit Theorem, Pitman, 1982
  • Introduction to the Theory of Coverage Processes, Wiley, 1988
  • The Bootstrap and Edgeworth Expansion, Springer, 1992
  • with J. Fan, Y. Ritov, CFJ Wu: Bootstrap Resampling, Springer 2013
  • Theoretical comparison of bootstrap confidence intervals, Annals of Statistics 1988

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Obituary - Peter G. Hall
  2. Peter Gavin Hall in the Mathematics Genealogy Project (English)Template: MathGenealogyProject / Maintenance / id used
  3. ^ Fellows of the Royal Society