Peter Gstettner

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Peter Gstettner at a memorial to Nazi victims in 2017

Peter Gstettner (* 1945 ) is an Austrian educator.

Peter Gstettner studied psychology and education in Innsbruck and completed his habilitation in Marburg . From 1981 to 2004 he was Professor of Education at the University of Klagenfurt .

Peter Gstettner founded the Mauthausen Committee Carinthia / Koroška and the Memorial Carinthia Koroška Association in 1994.


  • 1991 Vinzenz Rizzi Prize from the Slovenian Central Association in Carinthia for pioneering initiatives in the field of intercultural understanding
  • 1996 Honorary gift of the Austrian camp community Mauthausen "for special and extraordinary services in the fight against National Socialist ideology and crimes as well as for preserving the memory of the sufferings of the victims"
  • 2002 honorary professorship (”profesor nderi”) at the University of Shkoder (Albania) for intercultural understanding within the framework of the partnership agreement between the universities of Klagenfurt and Shkoder
  • 2006 Single-player award from the Slovenian Cultural Association and the Council of Carinthian Slovenes for services to the "essential and visible work against forgetting"
  • 2013 Great Decoration of Honor of the Republic of Austria , presented by the Federal Minister for National Defense Mr. Gerald Klug on August 5, 2013 in the Khevenhüller barracks in Klagenfurt, for coming to terms with Nazi crimes and for committing to remembering the victims
  • 2013 Cavalier Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland , presented by Ambassador Artur Lorkowski in the Mirror Hall of the Carinthian Provincial Government, "for outstanding services to the historical truth about the Mauthausen concentration camp on the Loiblpass"
  • 2014 Great Gold Medal of Honor of the State of Carinthia , presented by the Carinthian Governor Mr. Peter Kaiser, for special services in the field of remembrance culture


  • Team teaching. A new way of teaching and learning. Retzhof writings, Volksbildungsheim Retzhof , Leibnitz 1970.
  • The school as a self-regulating system. Team teaching - a possibility of planned changes to our school system. Retzhof writings, Retzhof Volksbildungsheim, Leibnitz 1971.
  • with Peter Seidl: Social Science and Educational Reform. Kiepenheuer and Witsch, Cologne 1975, ISBN 3-462-01102-2 .
  • Comprehensive school . Jugend und Volk, Vienna 1976, ISBN 3-7141-5702-6 .
  • Editor: Functions of developmental psychology in the field of education . Dimensions of Pedagogy 6, Bagel, Düsseldorf 1977, ISBN 3-513-03306-0 .
  • Ed .: Experiences with parental work. Concepts, practical aids and perspectives for kindergarten and primary school. Pedagogy of the Present 809, Jugend und Volk, Vienna 1979, ISBN 3-7141-5154-0 .
  • The conquest of the child by science. From the history of discipline . rororo-Sachbuch 7425, Rowohlt, Reinbek bei Hamburg 1981, ISBN 3-499-17425-1 .
  • Foreword in: Susanne Dermutz: The Austrian Way. School reform and education policy in the Second Republic. Publishing house for social criticism , Vienna 1983, ISBN 3-900351-18-X .
  • with Dietmar Larcher : Two cultures, two languages, one school. Intercultural learning and understanding between ethnic groups in Carinthia. For the scientific foundation of comprehensive reforms in the minority school system. 2nd edition, Slovenian Scientific Institute, Drava Verlag, Klagenfurt 1985, ISBN 3-85435-060-0 .
  • Obsessively German? About false defensive struggle and wrong homeland service. A peace education handbook for intercultural practice in the "Grenzland". Slovenian Scientific Institute, Drava Verlag, Klagenfurt 1988, ISBN 3-85435-104-6 .
  • with Gero Fischer as editor: " This republic could recover from the Carinthian essence " To the far right of Europe: Jörg Haider's "Renewal Policy". Drava Verlag, Klagenfurt 1990, ISBN 3-85435-119-4 .
  • with Vladimir Wakounig as editor: Courage for diversity. Strategies against the disappearance of ethnic minorities. Slovenian yearbooks 1989/1991, Drawa Verlag, Klagenfurt 1991, ISBN 3-85435-120-8 .
  • The multicultural society - a new enemy? Pedagogical challenges from right-wing extremism, German nationalism and xenophobia. Klagenfurt University Speeches Volume 24, Carinthia Verlag, Klagenfurt 1993, ISBN 3-85378-404-6 .
  • Foreword in: Josef Zausnig: The Loibl Tunnel. The forgotten concentration camp on the southern border of Austria. A forensics. Ed .: Slovenian Institute for Alps-Adriatic Research, Drava Verlag, Klagenfurt 1995, ISBN 3-85435-241-7 .
  • with Georg Auernheimer as editor: Pedagogy in multicultural societies. Leprosy collection, yearbook of pedagogy 1996, Lang, Frankfurt am Main 1996, ISBN 3-631-30629-6 .
  • 1938, 1998. Remember today what happened yesterday. Didactic guides for teaching. Book for the exhibition: From the Anschluss to the founding of the Mauthausen concentration camp . Edited by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and the Documentation Archive of the Austrian Resistance , Vienna 1998.
  • with Veronika Hofer: Biographies and National Socialism . Studien-Verlag, Innsbruck 2001, ISBN 3-7065-1569-5 .
  • with Sonja Haderer-Stippel as editor: Karl Stojka : Where have you gone ...? Tortured, tormented, killed. Faces and stories of Roma, Sinti and Jews from the concentration camps of the Third Reich. Ed. lex liszt 12, Oberwart 2003, ISBN 3-901757-29-5 .
  • Foreword in: František Janouch: Even the devil would blush. Letters from my father from the hell of Auschwitz and from the concentration camp at Loiblpass . Mauthausen Committee Austria , Vienna 2006, ISBN 978-3-902605-05-4 .
  • Introduction to: Nadja Danglmaier, Helge Stromberger: Tat-Orte. Show places. Remembrance work at the sites of National Socialist violence in Klagenfurt. Photographs by Lea Lugarič, Drava Verlag , Klagenfurt 2009, ISBN 978-3-85435-568-7 .
  • with Christian Rabl as editor and commentator: Rajmund Pajer : I was "I 69186" in Mauthausen . How I got into the concentration camp network as a teenager and was freed from it. Drawings by Vito M., Kitab-Verlag , Klagenfurt 2010, ISBN 978-3-902585-63-9 .
  • with Ferdinand Macek (director and cameraman) .: Mauthausen branch - Tatort Loibltunnel documentary film for ORF III 2017

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Brief bio about Peter Gstettner at Kitab-Verlag ( Memento of the original from July 17, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Peter Gstettner: Remembering forgetting. Memorial education and educational policy. Kitab-Verlag, Retrieved July 25, 2012 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /