Peter Moreth

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Peter Moreth (born July 28, 1941 in Mittweida ; † February 4, 2014 in Berlin ) was a German functionary of the GDR block party LDPD . He was deputy chairman of the GDR Council of Ministers and first chairman of the board of directors of the Treuhandanstalt .


After attending primary school, the son of a retailer completed an apprenticeship as a bricklayer from 1955 to 1957 and an apprenticeship as a salesman from 1957 to 1959 . He then worked as a seller and from 1961 to 1968 as a retailer with a commission trading agreement in Mittweida. In 1962 he became a member of the LDPD and was then a local politician in Mittweida until 1968.

In 1968 he became a full-time employee of the district association Karl-Marx-Stadt of the LDPD and in 1970 he was the deputy mayor for trade and supply of Karl-Marx-Stadt . From 1971 to 1983 he was chairman of the district branch Cottbus the Liberal Democratic Party and member of the District Day Cottbus . In the LDPD he was first from 1967 to 1972 successor candidate and since 1972 member of the central board. In 1977 he rose to become a member of the political committee of the LDPD's central executive committee. In May of the same year he was promoted to Dr. oec. PhD.

From July 8, 1983 to November 20, 1989 he acted as chairman of the Magdeburg district association of the LDPD. From June 16, 1986 to November 17, 1989 he was a member of the State Council of the GDR . On November 19, 1989, Moreth became Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for local state organs in the Modrow government alongside Christa Luft and Lothar de Maizière ; this area included the administration and the Stasi . On November 30, 1989 he was named head of the government commission for the development of the city of Leipzig.

On March 1, 1990 , Moreth became the first chairman of the board of directors of the GDR trust establishment . Reiner Maria Gohlke replaced him on July 15, 1990 . He then lived as a management consultant in Berlin, where he died in February 2014.



Individual evidence

  1. ^ The morning of May 13, 1977
  2. ^ New Germany from December 1, 1989