Peter Sandloff

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Peter Sandloff (born July 3, 1924 in New York City , † December 17, 2009 in Berlin ) was a German composer and film composer .

Biographical information

Sandloff, son of a Russian doctor and the German actress Eva Fiebig , is the nephew of the composer and church music director Kurt Fiebig and the grandson of the regimental musician Eduard Fiebig . After the death of his father, Sandloff came to Germany at the age of two. From the age of five he received piano lessons , in 1936/37 he was head of the recorder group of the "Rundfunkspielschar des Reichssender Breslau ".

This was followed by the first independent compositions, the cantata "Frau Musica" for four-part mixed choir and school orchestra and the incidental music for the two Goethe one- act plays "Die Laune des Verliebten" and "Der ist schuldig" for productions by the drama school of the Hamburger Kammerspiele .

After completing the Notabitur in Hamburg , Sandloff studied at the Cologne University of Music under Philipp Jarnach , Eugen Papst and Karl Hermann Pillney . After graduating, he was posted to the Reich Labor Service in the armaments industry and then ended up as a Soviet prisoner of war .

After the end of the Second World War , Sandloff worked as an editorial assistant in the music department at Radio Munich , as musical director at the Bamberg Theater, as a conducting ballet repetitor and composer at the Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz in Munich and as musical director at the Deutsche Musikbühne in Freiburg im Breisgau . His opera "Traum unter dem Galgen" was premiered in Freiburg.

While working at the Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz, he received a letter from the film composer Hans-Martin Majewski , who a little later hired Sandloff as the arranger and orchestrator for the film music for the filmLiebe 47 ” (1949). A long-term cooperation and friendship developed between Majewski and Sandloff.

Through intensive mediation by Majewski, Sandloff received his first own film music contract in 1955/56 (for “ Many came over ”) and was awarded the Federal Film Prize for it. Numerous other film works followed. Sandloff was also still involved in numerous film scores by his colleague Hans-Martin Majewski.

From the sixties, Sandloff increasingly composed music for television . In addition to many demanding television games , Sandloff also sets series such as “ Alle macht Musik ” (1965), “ Ich heirate eine Familie ” (1983 to 1986), “ Löwengrube ” (1989 to 1992) and cabaret shows with Hanns Dieter Hüsch , Ursula Herking and others to music .

Filmography (selection)

Feature films

Television films

Awards (selection)

Discography (selection)

  • "German Film Composers, Episode 6, Peter Sandloff", Bear Family Records, BCD 16486 AR

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Peter Sandloff died on Dramatiker Union eV website