Peter Selinka

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Peter Selinka (born August 29, 1924 in Czechoslovakia ; † June 28, 2006 ) was a German advertising consultant and art collector .

Selinka was the son of an Austro-Hungarian officer. After the Second World War he worked as an advertising consultant in the pharmaceutical industry in Biberach an der Riß and later set up an advertising agency in Ravensburg .

In the early 1950s he began collecting modern art and soon built up a collection of graphics and painting with a focus on German Expressionism , in which many of the most important artists of the time are represented, including Otto Mueller , Franz Marc , August Macke , and Wassili Kandinski , Emil Nolde , Ernst Ludwig Kirchner , Alexej von Jawlensky , Karl Schmidt-Rottluff , Max Pechstein , Gabriele Münter , Edvard Munch , Christian Rohlfs , Lyonel Feininger and Otto Dix .

He also collected works by Karel Appel and other artists from the CoBrA artist group , works by the German avant-garde artist group SPUR, and art from Upper Swabia and the GDR. The collection also includes East Asian items.

In 2004, the work group of the SPUR group was brought into the Peter and Gudrun Selinka Foundation founded in 2003 by Selinka and his wife. The foundation operated an exhibition room in Ravensburg. In March 2013, the new Ravensburg municipal art museum opened in downtown Ravensburg, the main attraction of which is the Selinka collection.


  • Gudrun Selinka (Red.): Expressionism. Painting and graphics . Catalog for the exhibition in the Städtische Galerie Altes Theater. Private print, Ravensburg 1980
  • Marion Keiner, Jens Kräubig: Expressive Art of the Years 1907-1925. Selinka collection. Exhibition catalog Schloß Achberg . Ravensburg district, Ravensburg 1996
  • Ruth Haendler: Expressionism is the home of the collector . In: ART, 7/1996, p. 62
  • Nicole Fritz (Ed.): Appassionata. The Selinka Collection in Dialog. Ravensburg Art Museum . Verlag für Moderne Kunst, Nuremberg 2013, ISBN 978-3-86984-339-1

Web links

Commons : Peter Selinka  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Schwäbische Zeitung , March 19, 2012