Petru Pleşca

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Petru Pleşca (born February 5, 1905 in Fântânele , Iaşi County , Romania ; † March 19, 1977 in Iaşi ) was Ordinarius Substitutus from 1951 to 1965 and, after his episcopal ordination, general provicar of the Iaşi diocese from 1965 to 1977 .


Petru Pleşca studied at the seminaries in Iasi and Bucharest and at the Instituto Brignole-Sale in Genoa , where he was ordained a priest on May 30, 1931 . He was initially a chaplain in Bârgăuani in Neamț district , from 1934 pastor in Grozeşti-Oituz in Bacau district . From 1942 to 1946 he was rector of the seminary in Iași.

The activity of the Roman Catholic Church in Romania was severely restricted by communist rule . In 1951 he was appointed Ordinarius Substitutus of the Diocese of Iași and recognized by the Romanian Deputy Minister for Religion as a Roman Catholic Bishop. Despite political resistance, he was able to take part in the Second Vatican Council . At the council he was through Pope Paul VI. appointed titular bishop of Voli and used as the "general provicar" of the diocese of Iași. He was ordained bishop on December 16, 1965 in the Sistine Chapel by the secretary of the Consistorial Congregation, Carlo Cardinal Confalonieri ; Co-consecrators were the Archbishop of Camerino , Giuseppe D'Avack , and the Bishop of Crema, Franco Costa .

Bishop Petru Pleşca died suddenly on March 19, 1977 as a result of a stroke and was buried in Grozeşti-Oituz, the place where he had served as pastor for almost thirty years.

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Individual evidence

  1. Ştefan Lupu: Mons. Petru Gherghel, în inima diecezei: profesor, rector, ordinarius şi episcop. In: . Archived from the original on January 17, 2017 ; Retrieved May 25, 2019 (Romanian).
  2. ^ Alois Moraru: Scurtă istorie a Episcopiei Romano-Catolice de Iaşi: Episcopia de Iaşi. In: . Retrieved May 25, 2019 (Romanian).