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The Pfählertsgraben shortly before it flows into the Rückersbach

The Pfählertsgraben shortly before it flows into the Rückersbach

location Spessart


River system Rhine
Drain over Rückersbach  → Haggraben  → Forchbach  → Main  → Rhine  → North Sea
source northwest of Steinbach
50 ° 1 ′ 31 ″  N , 9 ° 6 ′ 8 ″  E
Source height 307  m above sea level NHN
muzzle in the Rückersbach Gorge in the Rückersbach Coordinates: 50 ° 1 '35 "  N , 9 ° 5' 24"  E 50 ° 1 '35 "  N , 9 ° 5' 24"  E
Mouth height 183  m above sea level NHN
Height difference 124 m
Bottom slope 11%
length 1.1 km
Catchment area approx. 50 ha

The Pfählertsgraben is a left tributary of the Rückersbach in the Lower Franconian district of Aschaffenburg in the Bavarian Spessart .



The Pfählertsgraben (front) flows into the Rückersbach (from right to left)

The Pfählertsgraben rises at a height of 307  m above sea level. NHN northwest of Steinbach on the district of Mainaschaff on the edge of the corridor bay horse head .

It flows in a westerly direction through its rapidly deepening valley, taking in two short tributaries of 0.2 km and 0.3 km from the left, then turns on a northwest course and finally flows out at an altitude of 183  m above sea level. NHN in the Rückersbach Gorge from the left into the Rückersbach .

The Pfählertsgraben is about 1.1 km long, most of which is accompanied by a forest path.

The course of the Pfählertsgraben ends about 124 meters below its source, so it has a mean bottom slope of about 11 ‰.

Catchment area

The approximately 0.5 km² catchment area of ​​the Pfählertsgraben lies in the Spessart and is drained through it via the Rückersbach, Haggraben , Forchbach , Main and Rhine to the North Sea.

It is almost entirely in the forest, the highest point of which is a little outside in the meadows of the horse's head at around 345  m above sea level. NHN .

See also

Web links

Commons : Pfählertsgraben  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Measured on the BayernAtlas of the Bavarian State Government ( notes )