Philipp Lohmeier

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Philipp Lohmeier (born December 8, 1648 in Magdeburg , † September 24, 1680 in Lüneburg ), was a German mathematician and physicist .

life and work

Lohmeier was initially a teacher, from 1674 to 1679 full professor of physics at the University of Rinteln , then professor of rhetoric at the Johanneum grammar school in Lüneburg and at the same time inspector of the knight academy there . His Rinteln dissertation De artificio navigandi per aërem ( From the art of sailing through the air ), printed in Wittenberg in 1676, caused quite a stir, so that Wilhelm Ernst Tentzel discussed it in his monthly talks and thus made it known beyond the Faculty of Philosophy.

In it, Lohmeier took up the idea of ​​the Jesuit Franziscus Lana from Brescia , who in 1670 had presented the draft of an airship with instructions in his work Prodromo… . Lana's basic idea consisted in the plausible consideration that a body must rise into the air if it is lighter than the air of its volume which it is displacing. Lohmeier was enthusiastic about the idea of buoyancy generated by a vacuum and in turn held lectures and lectures on the subject, as in 1674 at the University of Wittenberg . He made his own treatise on the possibilities and technology of airship travel the subject of the examination of his student Franciscus David Frescheur at the University of Rinteln in March 1676.

In addition to this dissertation, Lohmeier's numerous essays on astrology , the starry sky , the earth , levitation and gravity established the recognition he enjoyed from leading spirits of his time, as evidenced by his correspondence with Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz .

The subsequent reprints of Lohmeier's dissertation (1679, 1708 and 1784) document the sustained interest and reputation of the early deceased. Although it Walch 1726 of plagiarism was accused, as expressed Georg Christoph Lichtenberg - after some 100 years after its release - the wish that the dissertation Lohmeiers may again be made known what 1784 to print both a German translation (in Tübingen ) and a bilingual Latin-German edition (in Arolsen ).

It was not until the end of the 18th century that Lohmeier's work and the questionable originality of some of his writings, especially his newly published dissertation, were assessed rather critically:

“Now our Lohmeier, if you look right to the bottom of the matter, had almost everything from the Lana, or perhaps from the Collegium Experimental Curiosum des Storm Nuremberg 1676.4 , published 3 years earlier . scooped, as the inclined reader will easily see more broadly from the opposition of these writers. "

- Editor preliminary report, p. X3 (1784)

“Philipp Lohmeier, Professor zu Rinteln, wrote his own treatise on the possibility of airship travel. Alone Morhof urtheilte quite right of him that he had his proposals very nearly verbatim from Lana's signature written off, without naming him, and called the same noble Lord for execution. "

- Johann Carl Fischer : 1802

"He has recently been referred to as the first inventor of airship travel, but his impracticable experiment, even if it does not belong to the Jesuit Francesco Lana Terzi (1631–1687), does not deserve the name of an invention."

- Franz Carl Theodor Piderit : 1842

“Above all, however, Professor Philipp Lohmeier from Rinteln fought for Lana's flight project. The admiration for Lana's idea even led him to give lectures on it at the University of Wittenberg in 1674 without naming Lana's name. He had a dissertation 'De artificio navigandi per aerem' written by one of his students named Frescheur, which almost literally coincides with the 6th chapter of Lana's 'Prodromo' and only adds a few broader suggestions. Lana was never mentioned in it either, so that Lohmeier was later mistakenly mistaken for the inventor himself ... "

- Peter Supf : 1935

Fonts (selection)

  • Exercitatio de simulatione et dissimulatione. 1671
  • Exercitatio physica de artificio navigandi per aërem, quam Deo TOM clementer annuente in illustri acad. Hasso-Schaumburgica praeside Philippo Lohmeiero prof. publico et ordinario in auditorio maiori publico eruditorum examini subiiciet… Typis WÄCHTERIANIS, Academ. Typographical RINTELII 1676
  • Observationes curiosae miscellaneae. 1677
  • Exercitatio physica de artificio navigandi per aërem. Borckhard, Wittenberg 1679
  • Exercitatio phys. De artificio navigandi per aërem. Rinteln 1708
  • The Lohmeier dissertation on the art of sailing in the air in its original and the German translation set next to it to be communicated to the public was immediately decided when the original was found . (Phil. Diss. Univ. Rinteln 1676) Respondent Franciscus David Frescheur, with participation of Philipp Lohmeier, Arolsen 1784
  • Franz Lana and Philipp Lohmeier: Translated from airship art into German and accompanied with notes. Inventis, facile est, addere. Tübingen, by Jacob Friedrich Heerbrandt 1784

See also


  • Herbert Breger (Ed.): Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz 'all writings and letters . Akademie Verlag, Berlin 1987, ISBN 3-05-000766-4
  • Johann Carl Fischer: History of Physics from the Restoration of the Arts and Sciences to the Most Recent Times . Johann Friedrich Röwer, Göttingen 1802
  • Christian Gottlieb Jöcher (Hrsg.): Allgemeine Gelehrten-Lexicon . Theil 2. Gelditsch, Leipzig 1750, p. 1505
  • Franz Carl Theodor Piderit: History of the Hessian-Schaumburg University of Rinteln. NG Elwert, Marburg 1842
  • Peter Supf : The book of German flight history . 2 volumes. H. Klemm, Berlin 1935
  • Ulrich Joost , Albrecht Schöne (ed.): Georg Christoph Lichtenberg correspondence . Volume II (1780-1784) . CH Beck, Munich 1985, ISBN 3-406-09402-3

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. H. Breger (ed.): Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz 'all writings and letters , p. 947, however, names Rinteln as the place of birth
  2. ^ DNB - German National Library digitized
  3. ^ Francesco Lana Terzi: Prodromo ovvero saggio di alcune inventione nuove premesso all'arte Maestra Opera che prepara il P. Francesco Lana, Bresciano della Compagnia di Giesu. Per mostrare li più reconditi proncipij della Naturale Filosofia, riconosciuti con accurata Teorica nelle più segnalate inventioni, ed isperienze fin'hora ritrovate da gli scrittori di questa materia & altre nuove dell'autore medesimo , Brescia: Rizzardi 1670
  4. ^ Philippus Lohmeierius: Exercitatio physica de artificio navigandi per aërem
  5. ^ GF Leibniz: All letters and writings digitized
  6. ^ Walch, JG: Philosophisches Lexicon , Gleditsch Leipzig 1726, p. 1685 digitized
  7. Ulrich Joost, Albrecht Schöne (ed.): Georg Christoph Lichtenberg Briefwechsel, Volume II (1780–1784), p. 848: “In the meantime, as a Hessian, I, the author of this article, am most interested in Hessian honor and I would like to that one of our many journals by Rintler professor Philipp Lohmeier's dissertation: De arte navigandi per aerem made known again in German "
  8. digitized version . BSB - Bavarian State Library
  9. 10096434 in VD 18 .
  10. ^ Lana, Lohmeier: Luftschiffkunst , Tübingen 1784 digitized
  11. ^ History of physics since the restoration of the arts and sciences ... 1802, p. 473,
  12. ^ History of the Hessian-Schaumburg University of Rinteln. 1842, p. 121 f.,
  13. The book of German flight history . Berlin 1935