Philipp von Ratzeburg

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Coat of arms of the diocese of Ratzeburg

Philipp von Ratzeburg († November 14, 1215 in Verona ) was a Premonstratensian . After Isfried's death in 1204 he became bishop , tirelessly fulfilled the episcopal duties in the diocese of Ratzeburg and cherished the memory of his holy predecessor.

In his honor is celebrated December 18 as a day of remembrance, namesakes did that day name day .

Eastern Christianization by the Order of the Brothers of the Sword

After Pope Innocent III. In 1204 the Order of the Brothers of the Sword (Latin: Fratres miliciae Christi de Livonia , in German: Brothers of the Knighthood of Christ of Livonia ) had been confirmed as a spiritual knightly order , the knights were obliged to obey their master, Bishop Albert of Riga (later Archbishop).

Albert gathered a new army of the cross in Livonia in 1210 and his call from the diocese of Riga was followed by the bishops Yso von Verden , Bernhard von Paderborn and the Cistercian monk and former military leader of Henry the Lion , Bernhard von der Lippe , and also Bishop Philipp von Ratzeburg.

Up to the year 1214 Philip was very personally involved in the Eastern Christianization of Livonia by the knights of the Order of the Swords and during this work he became Albert's deputy in Livonia for several years.

Among other things, he is said to have devastated a large part of Esthland with fire and sword in the year 1213 "in too great religious zeal with a strong army ", whereupon the entire Estonian people rose up to fight.

By order of Archbishop Albert von Riga, Bishop Philipp von Ratzeburg had Fredeland Castle built in Treyden (today: Turaidas pils) in the Riga region in 1214 .


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Individual evidence

  1. a b c d See year books of the Association for Mecklenburg History and Archeology, Georg Christian Friedrich Lisch: History of the possessions of the Knightly Orders of Livonia and Prussia in Meklenburg In: Association for Mecklenburg History and Archeology: Yearbooks of the Association for Mecklenburg History and Archeology. - Vol. 14 (1849) ( Memento from June 9, 2010 in the Internet Archive )
  2. Treyden Bishop's Castle (Turaidas pils)
predecessor Office successor
Isfried Bishop of Ratzeburg