Piero Regnoli

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Piero Regnoli , pseudonyms Dean Craig and Peter Lombard (born July 29, 1929 in Rome , † April 27, 2001 ibid) was an Italian screenwriter , film director and film producer .


Regnoli began his professional career as a film critic for Osservatore Romano , was then director of the publication L'Eco del cinema and early on as assistant director for Paolo Moffa's Gli ultimi giorni di Pompei (1948). From 1951 he worked as a screenwriter, since 1957 ( La chiamavan Capinera ... ) also as a director; especially from the mid-1960s and particularly intensely between 1972 and 1987, he was responsible for a vast number of cheaply produced genre films, often of the erotic-comic genre - sometimes close to pornography - but also for horror films , Napoletan melodramas, adventure films and musical romances responsible. Regnoli took on almost a unique position in the production of his numerous sex-oriented comedies, in which he repeatedly cast his long-time partner Mariangela Giordano .

Regnoli used some pseudonyms like Dean Craig and Peter Lombard .

Filmography (selection)

Director, screenplay
  • 1960: The monster at Bantry Castle (L'ultima preda del vampiro)
  • 1962: The great dogs of the Caribbean Sea (Lo sparviero dei Caraibi)
  • 1964: Destination Miami (Appuntamento a Dallas)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Roberto Poppi: Dizionario del cinema italiano. I registers. Rome, Gremese Editore 2002, pp. 356/357