Pierre-Lambert Goossens

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Pierre-Lambert Cardinal Goossens
Pierre-Lambert Cardinal Goossens (before 1900)

Pierre-Lambert Cardinal Goossens (born July 18, 1827 in Steenokkerzeel , † January 25, 1906 in Mechlin ) was a Belgian cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church and Archbishop of Mechelen .


Pierre-Lambert Goossens, who came from a good middle-class family, studied philosophy and theology at the seminary in Mechelen, and received on 21 December 1850 - also in Mechelen - the sacrament of Holy Orders . Immediately afterwards Goossens became a professor at the Breuel-Kolleg , a seminary.

After five years of teaching, Goossens became chaplain of the parish of Mechelen in 1856 ; at the same time he became secretary to Archbishop Engelbert Sterckx . On April 17, 1878, Goossens was appointed vicar general by Cardinal Victor-Augustin-Isidore Dechamps . Pope Leo XIII. awarded him the title of Papal House Prelate on August 20, 1880.

On June 1, 1883 Goossens was appointed titular bishop of Abdera and coadjutor bishop of Namur . The episcopal ordination took place on June 24th, 1883 by Jean-Joseph Faict , Bishop of Bruges . Co- consecrators were the Bishop of Liège , Victor-Joseph Doutreloux , and Auxiliary Bishop Victor-Jean-Joseph-Marie van den Branden de Reeth from Mechelen. With the death of Théodore-Joseph Gravez on July 16, 1883, he succeeded him only a few weeks later as Bishop of Namur. Another eight months later, on March 24, 1884, Goossens was appointed Archbishop of Mechelen .

Leo XIII. accepted him in the consistory of May 24, 1889 as a cardinal priest with the titular church Santa Croce in Gerusalemme in the college of cardinals .

Goossens took part in the conclave of 1903 , when Pope in the Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto Pius X was elected.

Cardinal Goossens' final resting place is in the crypt of Mechlin Cathedral .

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predecessor Office successor
Victor-Augustin-Isidor Cardinal Dechamps Archbishop of Mechlin
Désiré-Joseph Cardinal Mercier
Théodore-Joseph Gravez Bishop of Namur
Édouard-Joseph Belin