Pietro Paoli

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Paoli: Memorie sul calcolo integrale, 1793

Pietro Paoli (March 2, 1759 in Livorno , † February 21, 1839 in Florence ) was an Italian mathematician .

Paoli went to a Jesuit school and studied from 1774 at the University of Pisa first law and then mathematics and physics . After graduating in 1778, he taught from 1780 to 1782 as a high school teacher in Mantua , then taught at the University of Pavia until 1784 and then became Professor of Algebra at the University of Pisa. From 1798 he was a professor of higher mathematics. In 1805 he also became royal advisor on hydraulic issues . In 1814 he retired, but in 1816 he became supervisor for education for the Grand Duchy of Tuscany in Florence and in 1817 head of the commission for the establishment of a land registry for Tuscany.

As a mathematician, he dealt with analysis and its applications. His textbook on algebra and analysis first appeared in 1794 and was widely used in Italy. He wanted to close a gap in contemporary mathematics teaching in Italy to enable students in Italy to follow the mathematical advances made by Euler , Lagrange and Laplace, for example . He established parts of today's mathematical notation , for example for Euler's number , in Italy. He was in correspondence with Joseph-Louis Lagrange . He supported Paolo Ruffini early on and his, from today's perspective, incomplete proof of the impossibility of solving equations higher than the fourth degree by radicals .

Among his students were Vincenzo Brunacci (1768-1818), author of the Elementi di algebra e di geometria (1809), Giovanni Taddeo Farini (1778-1822) and Antonio Bordoni (1789-1860).

He was a member of the scientific academies in Bologna, Naples, Mantua and Turin (1811), the Circolo Matematico di Palermo and in 1782 a founding member of the Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze (Accademia dei XL).


  • Opuscula analytica, T. 1 , with John Thomas Graves , Publisher: Liburni: Ex typographio Encyclopediae, 1780, OCLC 927046836
  • Memorie sul Calcolo Integrale e sopra alcuni Problemi Meccanici (German: memories of the integral calculus and about some mechanical problems ), with Guillaume Libri and John Thomas Graves, Verlag, Verona: Per Dionigi Ramanzini, 1793 OCLC 927056496
  • Elementi d'Algebra. Supplemento agli Elementi di Algebra (German: Elements of Algebra. Supplement to Algebra Elements ), 2 volumes, Pisa 1793, 2nd edition in 3 volumes, Livorno 1804 OCLC 837082657

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