Police call 110: The mask

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Episode of the series Polizeiruf 110
Original title The mask
Polizeiruf110 logo 1972.svg
Country of production GDR
original language German
German television broadcasting
length 68 minutes
classification Episode 3 ( list )
First broadcast January 30, 1972 on DFF 1
Director Helmut Krätzig
script Rudolf Bohm
production Rainer Crahé
Marianne Birkholz
music Wolfgang Pietsch
camera Manfred Marderwald
cut Ingrid Lingner

The Mask is a German crime film by Helmut Krätzig from 1972. The television film was released as the third episode of the Polizeiruf 110 film series . He is missing .


Carnival time. In the middle of the hustle and bustle, the warning signal of a police car sounds . Lieutenant Peter Fuchs and Lieutenant Vera Arndt from the criminal investigation department sit in the back. The first findings at the scene of the incident show: a box office robbery in a specialist radio and television shop. The manager lies critically injured on the ground. Who is the culprit? First Lieutenant Peter Fuchs and Lieutenant Vera Arndt are faced with a complicated task. Only with the utmost care and psychological empathy are they able to clear up this new case from the Police Call 110 series.


The mask was shot from September 28th to November 15th 1971 under the working title ... not according to the paragraphs . Ruth Karge created the costumes and Christoph Lindemann designed the film .


The film had its television premiere on January 30, 1972 on DFF 1 . It was the third case of Lieutenant Peter Fuchs and Lieutenant Vera Arndt.

The film was shown three times on GDR television until 1973, but is now considered lost.


"From the third episode, The Mask , the police call has outgrown the stage of in-house handicraft work in the chief dramaturgy 'Contemporary Drama' of the Dramatic Art Department of the DFF," the review stated in retrospect. This is shown, among other things, in the fact that Rudolf Böhm, an experienced writer, became a screenwriter for the film. He had "especially [...] in his earlier television games [...] with his psychologically sensitive figure drawing, an advantage that he also brought into his police call scenarios."


  • Peter Hoff: Police call 110. Films, facts, cases. Das Neue Berlin, Berlin 2001, ISBN 3-360-00958-4 , pp. 11, 39.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b representation according to http://www.polizeiruf110-lexikon.de/filme.php?Nummer=003 (link only available to a limited extent)
  2. German Broadcasting Archive Potsdam-Babelsberg, GDR TV / German TV radio holdings
  3. ^ A b Peter Hoff: Polizeiruf 110. Films, cases, facts . Das Neue Berlin, Berlin 2001, p. 39.