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Pompey is the name of a plebeian gens , the gens Pompeia , who played a significant role in the history of the late Roman Republic . The women of the family were named Pompeia .

When one hears Pompey today , one usually means Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus , the most important representative of the family, who formed the First Triumvirate with Gaius Iulius Caesar and Marcus Licinius Crassus .


The Pompeii were a plebeian family that came from Picenum , northeast of Rome, and appeared relatively late in Roman politics.


Name bearer outside of gender

  • The historian Gnaeus Pompeius Trogus of the 1st century AD, his father and his grandfather did not belong to the Pompeian family. Rather, the grandfather had "adopted" the name Pompey because he served under Pompey Magnus in the war against Sertorius and gained Roman citizenship through Pompey's influence. The family came from the area of ​​the Vocontier in the province of Gallia Narbonensis , and is actually said to have been of Celtic origin.


Individual evidence

  1. Th. Mommsen on zeno.org