Review de vie

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According to today's understanding, revision de vie is the joint rethinking of the current life situation and takes place in a religious group framework. The definition does not have its own German interpretation and is mostly referred to as “life renewal”. Its modern origin lies in the times of the Catholic Action and the founding times of the Christian Worker Youth (CAJ). The practical method of the Révision de vie takes place in the successor organizations of the new spiritual movement founded by Cardijn . Their pedagogy is based on the holistic method of “seeing-judging-acting”, group work and participation in retreats . In the sense of Catholic church teaching, it is not a self-criticism or an examination of one's conscience .

Literal sense

The simple and literal translation of the French term would be “life review”, where revision comes from Latin, re “again”, “back” and videre means “to look at”: “review”, “review”. However, this definition does not reflect today's actual meaning, because life examination is also associated with an examination of conscience or an account of conscience ”, but by no means the monastic chapter of debt . "The expression (Révision de vie) comes from French spiritual traditions including the Christian working-class youth and was adopted by the Christian Life Communities (GCL), which are shaped by the retreats of St. Ignatius of Loyola and the Ignatian spirituality that goes back to him , to which the Jesuit order owes its charisma . "

Theological approaches

In the theological discussions and the experience of looking at life, the impression arose that the revision de vie - as it was developed from the French tradition - “is a look of faith that allows us to understand how God is present in the midst of the world be continuously engaged in the work of redemption. It consists in the discovery that the mystery of salvation takes place in the midst of profane reality ”. The modern young Catholic Christian allows this approach, but at the same time he broadens the view of worldly events and includes them in his considerations. After the Second Vatican Council (1962–1965), contemporary theology developed a new view of reality in which work, technology, occupation, the body and sex, marriage, culture, art, economy, science and the state and society is paramount. “It was necessary to look at these horizons in order to sense what all the definitions of the Révision de vie entail”.

Sibling assistance

The Révision de vie describes the practical application in everyday life as group work, the "sisters and brothers in the Lord" participate in the evaluation and counseling of a life situation presented by a single person. The fact that it happens collectively also distinguishes it from the sole examination of conscience, which is assigned to the sacrament of penance . The group members are encouraged to participate and should answer critical questions sensitively and accurately and share happy events. "When we talk about the happy experience of a real and gracious revision de vie, we often come across the reference to the experience of the Emmaus disciples: 'Didn't our heart burn because he talked to us on the way and opened up the Scriptures to us' ( Lk 24, 32  EU )? ". As a further biblical reference to commonality, reference is made to the Gospel according to Matthew , here it says: "For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am among them ( Mt 18.20  EU )." The fraternal exercise of contemplating life knows no superior or inferior, she sees herself as equals of believers who exchange their experiences and draw new strength from them. In summary, this means: “The brother with whom they search together in the team is at their side, his word and his being, a grace that God gives them and that they gratefully accept. The common 'life review' has nothing to do with Marxist 'self-criticism', nor is it a public confession of guilt , it is rather a joint, brotherly reflection and brotherly sharing in the burden of the other ”.

Differentiations in the exercise

Just as there is no uniform interpretation of names in the Révision de vie method, there is also no uniform and prescribed practice. The various Christian communities in which the Révision de vie is practiced apply it according to their self-image and spiritual foundations, as well as their different approaches in the way of life and lifestyle.

The Charles de Foucauld Communities understand contemplation of life as "an expression of obedience to the will of God and fraternal accompaniment". It also says:

“It has an important place in all of Charles de Foucauld's communities. Since it is not easy to recognize God's will for our life without correction, i.e. not to follow one's own fixed ideas, the community takes on this fraternal service, which is especially necessary for brothers and sisters who live alone. It is about looking back at a certain phase of life, recognizing the big lines in concrete everyday life, the encounters, the problems, in the spiritual life and the directions they show for the present and the future. It's also about being open to new things, for unfamiliar steps in trusting God. "

- Communities of Charles de Foucauld

An important element of the group meetings is the contemplation of life and the participation in the retreat. For the International Catholic Rural and Farming Youth Movement (MIJARC), the improvement of living conditions is based on Christian values. It sees itself in the tradition of the Catholic Action and promotes the holistic upbringing and education of rural youth through the pedagogy of the "Révision de vie". The International Catholic Student Youth prefers the pedagogy developed by the student union , which is based on the method of contemplation of life. It demands that the current situations are deliberately and critically examined, which in turn should lead to a life in the footsteps of Jesus Christ . In the international independent Christian youth , the young members should be prepared for a responsible position in social, economic and cultural life. A tried and tested method of pedagogy is the communal contemplation of life, it stands in the light of the Gospel and represents a means to help one's own life. Another community of believers who describes themselves as ministers of the Gospel offers the community the fraternal encounter in prayer - and Faith discussion groups and sees the Révision de vie as spiritual accompaniment. The action and the educational approaches in the international coordination of Christian working-class youth are shaped by the method: “see-judge-act”, which developed into the “revision de vie”. The world movement of Christian workers propagates upbringing, education and evangelism as a charismatic claim for its movement . The pedagogy of the movement is also based on the “Révision de vie”, as a holistic method of “seeing-judging-acting”. The international apostolate movement of independent social classes , which is part of the tradition of Catholic Action, emphasizes that its religious education is based on the method of contemplation of life. For this purpose, the values ​​of the Gospel are observed and the educational task is fulfilled through meditation of the scriptures and the method of “seeing-judging-acting”.

Practices of the Révision de vie

As already mentioned, the practical aspects of the Révision de vie lie in the organization's various spiritual and charismatic approaches. So it can be that they are also practiced as “spiritual impulses in everyday life”. These conversations of faith are about hearing the gospel, the event is divided into prayer, a song, a review of everyday life (relaxation exercise), followed by a study of the Bible, after which the holy of holies is exposed in the church and prayers are silently for about a quarter of an hour . With our Father and a blessing , the spiritual contemplation of life ends. Another possibility is the spiritual lecture , which thematically connects to the Gospel or includes readings from the Old Testament . The lectures will be accompanied by a musical meditation and the participants will be given the opportunity to have an "experience in silence". With a Bible text and the "7 steps of sharing the Bible ", the aim is to explore what God wants to tell us in the form of interpretation and our own comprehension test . The 7 steps are: 1. Invite, 2. Read, 3. Linger, 4. Silence, 5. Share, 6. Action and 7. Pray. The 7 Step Method was first published by the Catholic Lumko Institute in South Africa . Another practice deals with the events of daily life that affect one or more members or the whole group. This can be the birth of a child, a traffic accident, the outcome of an election, a political or church decision. This meeting should be chaired by a group member who is less affected by the topic. The aim of this form is to hear from the experience what God is trying to say with it and to hear the answer to this call. A group member briefly describes the situation and the group leader explains the method and asks for the consent of the group members. In the subsequent evaluation, the significance of what has been described should be answered for the individual, the person affected and for the group; a short listening session can also be carried out.


  • Winoc de Broucker SJ, La révision de vie , in: Christ No. 42, April 1964, pages 263-279
  • J. Bonduelle OP : Deux dossiers sur la révision de vie , in Supplément de la Vie Spirituelle No. 66, September 1963, pages 407–452 (digital [5] )
  • J. Bonduelle OP, Carnet de la révision de vie , in: La Vie spirituelle No. 508, August-September 1964, pages 355-362


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The "Revision de Vie" - A New Exercise from a New Spirit In the Mirror of Time , p. 377
  2. ibid.
  3. Cardijn's formula “see-judge-act”. In: Marie-Rose Blunschi Ackermann, Joseph Wresinski : Spokesman for the poorest in theological discourse , Volume 28 of Practical Theology in Dialog, Verlag Saint-Paul, 2005, ISBN 3727815353 , [1] , Google-books, digitized
  4. The "Revision de Vie" - A new exercise from a new spirit (see also web links) In the Mirror of Time , page 377
  5. Compare: Report of the Pilgrim (BP) a spiritual text by the founder of the Jesuit order , Ignatius von Loyola . “Urged by his fellow brothers to leave them a spiritual legacy, he looks back towards the end of his life and reports on the experiences of his life and faith and how God led him in it. Louis Goncalves da Câmara gives an account of conscience to Ignatius, who feels for himself that things happened in his own life that, in retrospect, could be important and helpful for others
  6. ^ Révision de Vie - Learning to see life anew; Genesis 1 - Lecture "Révision de Vie" - Learning to see life anew - Sermons by Fr. Martin Löwenstein SJ [2]
  7. The "Revision de Vie" - A New Exercise from a New Spirit In the Mirror of Time , p. 377
  8. The "Revision de Vie" - A New Exercise from a New Spirit In the Mirror of Time , p. 378
  9. The “Revision de Vie” - A New Exercise from a New Spirit In the Mirror of Time , p. 376
  10. The "Revision de Vie" - A New Exercise from a New Spirit In the Mirror of Time , p. 380
  11. ↑ Contemplation of life - Révision de vie [3]
  12. Archbishopric Hamburg - Lecture series in the small Michel Archived copy ( Memento from January 22, 2016 in the Internet Archive )
  13. It grew out of the intensive devotion of the small Christian communities in Africa to Holy Scripture [4] St. Mary's Conception, Catholic community Essen Holsterhausen; Révision de vie - Spiritual impulses in everyday life
  14. Spiritual accompaniment: Event meditation - Révision de vie - Event meditation - Révision de vie -