International apostolate movement of independent social classes

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The International Apostolatsbewegung independent social groups ( s. : International Movement of Apostolate in the Independent Social milieu ; Fri : Mouvement International d'Apostolate of milieux sociaux Independants ; it. : Movimento Inter Nazi Nale d'Apostolato dei Ceti Sociali Independants ; Official abbreviation: MIAMSI , after the initials of the French name) is a Roman Catholic association of believers founded in Rome in 1963 and recognized by the Holy See . The movement is a non-governmental organization , it has an advisory role in the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations and is a member of the Council of Europe . The 25,000 members are spread across 35 countries worldwide.


At the time of the pontificate of Pope Pius XI. (1922-1939) several Christian movements emerged to evangelization of adults . In the 1940s in particular, this movement continued among the middle class , the bourgeoisie, and the aristocracy . The first members of the apostolate movement came from the international independent Christian youth , whose previous experience accelerated the development. The first groups of the movement were founded in France and Italy , they spread through other European countries to North America . Pope John XXIII (1958–1963) encouraged the movement to structure itself in 1963 and to draw up statutes, which were concluded and approved in the same year. MIAMSI has been recognized by the Pontifical Council for the Laity as an international Catholic organization under papal law. The first MIAMSI congress took place in Rome in 1964.


MIAMSI is part of the tradition of Catholic Action , its group pedagogy is based on the “ Révision de viemethod . People from the most varied of milieus are represented in the groups; they advocate a change in the mentality and structure of society . To this end, they observe the values ​​of the Gospel , are primarily involved in the preaching of Jesus Christ and promote the protection of human dignity and human rights . They fulfill their educational task through meditation of the scriptures and the method "seeing-judging-acting"

Organization and expansion

The supreme body of MIAMSI is the General Assembly, which is made up of delegates from the constituent groups. It meets every four years and elects the "International Equipe", which consists of the International President, three Vice-Presidents (for Africa , Asia and Latin America ), a secretary , a treasurer and the ecclesiastical assistant . The headquarters of the apostolate movement is in the Vatican City , it has about 25,000 members, who are in 9 countries in Africa, 3 countries in Asia, 7 countries in Europe , 2 countries in the Middle East , 10 countries in South America and North America spread across 4 countries.


  • The Spiritual Communities of the Catholic Church - Compendium (No. 88, International Apostolate Movement of Independent Social Classes, pp. 236–237), St. Benno-Verlag , Leipzig , 204, ISBN 3-7462-1995-7

Individual evidence

  1. UNTERM: International Movement of Apostolate in the Independent Social Mileux Archived copy ( Memento of February 10, 2015 in the Internet Archive )

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