Río Coata

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Río Coata,
Río Orduña, Río Borracho, Río Ichocollo, Río Cerrillos, Río Cabanillas
location PeruPeru Peru
River system Desaguadero River
Drain over Río Desaguadero  → Lake Poopó
origin Lake Laguna Ananta
15 ° 22 ′ 58 ″  S , 70 ° 51 ′ 56 ″  W
Source height approx.  4816  m
muzzle Lake Titicaca Coordinates: 15 ° 36 ′ 8 ″  S , 69 ° 54 ′ 25 ″  W 15 ° 36 ′ 8 ″  S , 69 ° 54 ′ 25 ″  W.
Mouth height approx.  3812  m
Height difference approx. 1004 m
Bottom slope approx. 5.6 ‰
length approx. 180 km
Catchment area approx. 4850 km²
Left tributaries Río Verde, Río Lampa
Right tributaries Río Aticata, Río Compuerta, Río Cotaña
Flowing lakes Laguna Lagunillas
Big cities Juliaca
Small towns Santa Lucía
Communities Cabanilla

The Río Coata is a tributary of Lake Titicaca in the South American Andean highlands (northern Altiplano ) of the Peruvian region of Puno .

River course

The Río Coata has a total length of about 180 km. The Río Coata forms the drain of the 4816  m high lake Laguna Ananta . For the first 50 kilometers, it flows mainly in a southerly direction to the western end of Lake Laguna Lagunillas . On this section of the river it bears the names Río Orduña , Río Borracho and Río Ichocollo . The Río Aticata flows into the river on the right. There is a dam at the outflow from the lake Lagunas Lagunillas. Below this the river flows as Río Cerrillos in a predominantly eastern direction. After 10 kilometers the Río Verde joins the river from the left. This is then called Río Cabanillas . He passes the small town of Santa Lucía . At the village of Cabanilla , the river leaves the mountainous country and reaches the desert-like plains west of Lake Titicaca. It now flows in a north-northeast direction. About 8 km northeast of the city of Juliaca , the Río Lampa meets the river from the left. This bears the name Río Coata on its almost 50 km long lower course . It flows around Juliaca to the north and finally turns towards east-southeast. The Río Coata has numerous meanders on its last kilometers . Finally, 30 km north-northeast of the regional capital Puno, it flows into the Bahía de Puno bay on the west bank of Lake Titicaca .


The Río Coata drains an area of ​​about 4850 km² (according to other sources: 4585 km²) in the provinces of Lampa and San Román . The highest point in the catchment area is the Nevado Huayquera (or Waykira) with 5575  m . The Río Coata hardly has any water in the summer and autumn months. The highest runoffs usually occur between January and April. During this time, the mean discharge is around 80 m³ / s.


The giant Titicaca frog ( Telmatobius culeus ) occurs in the Río Coata . Presumably due to the pollution of the water with untreated waste water, there was a mass death of frogs in 2016.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Informe Técnico - Evaluación Hidrológica Cuenca Lago Titicaca 2006-07 (PDF, 550 KB) Servicio Nacional de Meterorología e Hidrología (SENAMHI). June 2007. Retrieved December 25, 2019.
  2. a b Thousands of dead "giant" frogs on Lake Titicaca . Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ). October 19, 2016. Retrieved December 25, 2019.