RAND Corporation

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Rand Corporation logo.svg

The RAND Corporation ( Engl. R esearch at d d evelopment "R & D") is a think tank in the United States after the end of World War II has been established to the armed forces of the United States to advise.


Headquarters in Santa Monica

On May 14, 1948, Project RAND became the non-profit organization RAND Corporation with the support of the Ford Foundation . RAND experts played a role in the Korean War and Cold War propaganda. Since then, this organization has grown significantly and is now also working with other state, but also economic institutions.

The think tank today has 1,600 employees in its locations in Santa Monica (headquarters), Arlington , Pittsburgh , New York City (Education Council), Cambridge ( European headquarters ) and Doha . The RAND-Qatar Policy Institute is based in Doha (Qatar). Another new location is Boston , Massachusetts.

Michael D. Rich is currently (as of July 2020) President and CEO.

The topics that RAND has worked on in recent years have included strategies to destabilize Russia and considerations about war with China, as well as future requirements for military aircraft construction and protection options against terrorist attacks, but also social issues such as growing obesity in the USA or the problem of substance abuse in American high schools .

Known employees


  • Alex Abella: Soldiers of Reason: The RAND Corporation and the Rise of the American Empire. Harcourt Brace & Co., 2008, ISBN 978-0-15-101081-3 .
  • Thomas Brandstetter, Claus Pias, Sebastian Vehlken: Think tank thinking. On the epistemology of counseling. In: Thomas Brandstetter, Claus Pias, Sebastian Vehlen (Ed.): Think Tanks. Advising society. Diaphanes, Berlin / Zürich 2010, ISBN 978-3-03734-086-8 ( table of contents ; text of contents ).

University publications

  • Bruce Lee Raymond Smith: The RAND Corporation: Scientific Policy Advice in the USA (= philosophy of science, science policy, science planning , volume 18; original title: The RAND Corporation , translated by Rüdiger von Bandemer), Bertelsmann-Universitätsverlag, Düsseldorf 1971, ISBN 3- 571-09163-9 (Dissertation Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 1964, 96 pages, 23 cm).
  • Martin Gehlen: Policy advice in the USA: the influence of think tanks on American social policy (= North American Studies , Volume 24), Campus, Frankfurt am Main / New York, NY 2005, ISBN 978-3-593-37728-5 (dissertation University Erfurt 2004, 390 pages with graphics, 21 cm).

Web links

Commons : RAND Corporation  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Carroll L. Shartle: Selected Department of Defense Programs in Social Science Research . In: Special Operations Research Office (Ed.): US Army Limited-War Mission and Social Science Research symposium . American University, Washington, DC June 1962, pp. 331 (English, dtic.mil [PDF; accessed on May 17, 2020]): “to perform a program of study and research on the broad subject of intercontinental warfare, other than surface, with the object of recommending to the Air Force preferred techniques and instrumentalities for this purpose. "
  2. cf. EUROPE ARCHIVE. 1968/1, volume 11, pp. 412-414.
  3. ^ Ron Robin: The Making of the Cold War Enemy. Culture and Politics in the Military-Intellectual Complex , Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ / Oxford 2001, ISBN 0-691-11455-2 .
  4. Banning Garrett: The Dominoization of Thailand. In: Ramparts Magazine. November 1970, accessed on May 17, 2020 (English): “one of the first counter-insurgency studies on north-eastern Thailand. Written and researched for Rand in 1962 "
  5. ^ RAND-Qatar Policy Institute website
  6. https://www.rand.org/about/people/r/rich_michael_d.html
  7. James Dobbins et al .: Overextending and Unbalancing Russia. RAND.org, 2019, accessed July 26, 2020 .
  8. ^ David C. Gompert, Astrid Stuth Cevallos, Cristina L. Garafola: War with China. RAND.org, 2016, accessed July 26, 2020 .
  9. Review: Chalmers Johnson: America's university of imperialism. In: Asia Times Online. May 3, 2008

Coordinates: 34 ° 0 ′ 34 "  N , 118 ° 29 ′ 26"  W.