Rape and Revenge film

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A rape and revenge film is a film that belongs to the subgenre of what are known as exploitation films . This type of film, which translates as “rape and revenge film,” was a genre that was particularly popular in the 1970s. Such films essentially follow a three-act plot pattern:

  • Act I: A woman is raped and / or tortured and left lying around, the perpetrator or perpetrators usually consider her dead.
  • Act II: The woman survives and comes to again.
  • Act III: The woman takes revenge and kills her tormentor.


In some cases, the woman is killed at the end of the first act and the vengeance is carried out by her family. The Jungfrauenquelle (Jungfrukällan) is a particularly noteworthy film, considered the first film of its genre, by acclaimed director Ingmar Bergman . In exceptional cases , such as the film Open Season - hunting season , the perpetrator not only avenges a person he knows, but also eliminates the rapist for the common good.

At the beginning of the 1970s, the genre experienced its first major boom, triggered by the successes of Who Sows Violence (1971) and When You Die Everyone Is First (1972). In Everyone's First To Die varies the subject by raping a man.

In 2006, Rogue Pictures signed a deal with Wes Craven to remake The Last House on the Left. That film had been one of the most influential horror films of the 1970s. In 2010 the controversial film I Spit on Your Grave came out. It was produced by CineTel Films and published worldwide.

In Gaspar Noé's film Irréversible (2002), the classic structure was dissolved, with the first act being devoted to the representation of revenge and only the tracing back showing the events that led to this point. Roger Ebert argued that the film could therefore not be considered an exploitation film , as there would be no exploitation of the topic.

The genre has caught the attention of film critics. Much of this critical attention comes from feminist critics who examine the complex politics in the genre and its implications for cinema in general. In the book Rape-Revenge Films: A Critical Study by Alexandra Heller-Nicholas, an analysis of the rape-and-revenge films was carried out and published. The book opposes a simplistic use of the term rape-revenge, as some films often seriously deal with the question of the morality of vengeance. In the movie Sleepers, for example, rape (exceptionally of men) is more of a secondary issue. Social conditions, friendship and loyalty frame the story of revenge here. The same goes for the films Dirty Harry Comes Back and For A Few Dollars More .

In addition to US and French films, Japan (e.g. Takashi Ishiis Freeze Me ), Finland, Russia, Argentina (e.g. I'll Never Die Alone (2008)) and Norway (e.g. The Whore (2009)) produced rape-and-revenge films.



  • Julia Reifenberger: Girls with Guns. Rape & Revenge Movies: Radical Feminist Empowerment Fantasies? Bertz + Fischer, Berlin 2013, ISBN 978-3-86505-721-1 .
  • Tilo Renz: “Violence of female figures as resigned speaking. Thelma and Louise, Baise-moi and Judith Butler's Politics of the Performative ”, in: The bad conscience of modernity. Cultural theory and representation of violence in literature and film after 1968 , ed. v. Jochen Fritz and Neil Stewart, Böhlau, Cologne / Weimar 2006, pp. 181–212, ISBN 978-3-412-32805-4 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g Rikke Schubart: Super Bitches and Action Babes . McFarland and Company Inc., Publishers, 2007, ISBN 978-0-7864-2924-0 , pp. 83-104.
  2. ^ Roger Ebert: Irreversible :: rogerebert.com :: Reviews . Rogerebert.suntimes.com. Retrieved January 25, 2010.
  3. ^ Carol J. Clover: Men, Women, and Chainsaws: Gender in the Modern Horror Film. Princeton University Press, Princeton (NJ) 1992, ISBN 0-691-00620-2 .
  4. ^ B. Creed: The Monstrous-Feminine: Film, Feminism, Psychoanalysis. Routledge, New York 1993, ISBN 0-415-05259-9 .
  5. Claire Sisco King: "Review of Thelma & Louise by Marita Sturken and of The New Avengers: Feminism, Femininity, and the Rape-Revenge Cycle by Jacinda Read." (2003, accessed October 6, 2007)
  6. Jacinda Read: The New Avengers: Feminism, Femininity, and the Rape-Revenge Cycle. Manchester University Press, Manchester 2000, ISBN 0-7190-5905-4 .
  7. Alexandra Heller-Nicholas: Rape-Revenge Film :. A critical study . McFarland, New York 2011, ISBN 978-0-7864-4961-3 , p. 230. Archived from the original on March 19, 2013 Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (Accessed March 25, 2019). @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.rape-revenge.com