The Voroshilov shooter

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German title The Voroshilov shooter
Original title Ворошиловский стрелок
Country of production Russia
original language Russian
Publishing year 1999
length 95 minutes
Age rating FSK 16
Director Stanislaw Goworuchin
script Stanislaw Goworuchin
Yuri Polyakov
Alexander Borodjanski
production Igor Tolstunov
Yevgeny Golynski Sergei Kozlov
music Vladimir Dashekevich
camera Gennadi Engstrem

The Voroshilov Rifleman ( Russian: Ворошиловский стрелок , Voroshilovsky strelok) is a 1999 Russian feature film by the director Stanislav Goworuchin .


The film is based on the novel "The Girl for Wednesday" by Wiktor Pronin .

Widowed pensioner Ivan Fyodorovich Afonin, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War and former railroad worker , leads a modest life in a small, high-rise apartment on the outskirts. His dearest and only granddaughter Katja, a 17-year-old student, lives with him.

Boris Tschuchanow, a 25-year-old young entrepreneur, who became rich in a very short time due to the upheaval in the market economy in Russia in the 1990s, lives in the neighboring house. He meets his friends Vadim Paschutin and Igor Sworygin in his apartment every Wednesday evening and organizes an extensive drinking bout there, preferably in the presence of prostitutes. Wednesday is the “day of sexual joy” for the trio.

On one of the Wednesdays in question, the three men notice how the neighbor girl Katja has just returned from school after class. From the balcony they engage her in a conversation until Igor Sworygin - a classmate of Katja - goes downstairs and invites the girl into the apartment. As a pretext, Igor claims that it is his friend Boris' birthday. The three men try to fill Katja with champagne and tequila , which only works to a limited extent. When Katja decides to leave because she feels uncomfortable, she is dragged into the bedroom by the three men and brutally raped there several times. After the rape, Igor slipped Katja 50 US dollars so that she would “forget everything” and even asked her if she would not marry him. Katja, who leaves Boris' apartment in a terrible state of mind, throws Igor's banknotes on the floor. Vadim suggests to Boris and Igor that they hide for a while, but Boris thinks that nothing will happen to them, since Katja has no other than her grandfather and doesn't know any other influential people.

When Katja comes home, she collapses in front of the apartment door and tells her grandfather Ivan Fyodorowitsch that she was raped by Boris and his friends. Ivan Fedorovich takes a hammer and just want to go to the apartment of Boris Tschuchanow to avenge his granddaughter because he is his friend Alexei Podberjoskin, a lieutenant in the militia , known as precinct , stopped working in his neighborhood. Podberjoskin advises Ivan Fyodorowitsch against any form of vigilante justice and immediately notifies his colleagues from the militia.

The militia officers drive to Boris Chukhanov's apartment with flashing lights, kick in the door, distribute all three men to different rooms and interrogate them. The rapists explain to the militiamen that “everything happened in agreement” and that Katja had gone to bed with all sorts of men beforehand. But the militia officers, led by Captain Kozhayev, bring the rapists to a confession, sometimes using physical force. But then Nikolai Petrovich Pashutin appears, the father of Vadim Pashutin, one of the rapists. Nikolai Pashutin is a colonel in the militia. Pashutin asks Captain Koshayev to leave the case to him, but Koshayev remains firm and sends the men into arrest. The next day the three men were released again and the public prosecutor's office discontinued the proceedings, as the judicial authorities did not believe there was any evidence of a crime (Katja refused a medical examination out of shame and washed away the traces of the rape) . The confession made by the three rapists is retrospectively declared ineffective because it was obtained through the use of force.

Katja's grandfather Ivan Fyodorowitsch finally realizes that justice cannot be restored through the legal process. He decides to punish the rapists differently. Ivan Fyodorovich sells his old dacha in the village to a banker friend for $ 5,000 . The pensioner takes the train to Moscow and buys a Soviet Dragunov sniper rifle with a silencer on the black market there . When testing the weapon, Afonin hits targets so precisely that one of the dealers delightedly describes him as a “Voroshilov shooter”. It turns out that the elderly man fought as a sniper in World War II and therefore has excellent aiming skills.

When Ivan Fyodorovich was in Moscow, his daughter, Katja's mother Olga, came to visit. Olga only has money on her mind, constantly changing life partners and is prone to alcohol addiction . This time she has a much younger boyfriend from the Caucasus named Dawid. Katja's mother is surprisingly relaxed about her daughter's rape. She even thinks that Nikolai Paschutin, the father of the rapist Vadim, could collect a substantial amount of compensation. This made Ivan Fyodorovich very angry, whereupon he threw his daughter Olga and her friend Dawid out of the apartment.

The next night, Ivan Fyodorovich takes the keys from his neighbor's apartment, who lives two floors higher. The neighbor gave him the keys because she was driving into the village for three weeks and needed someone to feed her parrots. Ivan Fyodorowitsch enters his neighbour's apartment and realizes that one can easily see and aim from the apartment of the rapist Boris Tschukhanov.

Next Wednesday, when the three men have returned for their drinking binge, Ivan Fyodorovich goes to his neighbor's apartment and places the sniper rifle in front of the window. He sees that Igor Sworygin is opening a bottle of champagne while holding it between his legs. Ivan Fyodorovich pulls the trigger and the bullet hits Igor Sworygin right between the legs. Igor can no longer be helped, he remains neutered for life .

A week later, Ivan Fyodorovich takes revenge on Boris Chukhanov. Boris has just imported a 5 Series BMW from Lithuania and was bragging about it in front of the neighborhood. When Boris sits behind the wheel of his new BMW, Ivan Fyodorovich shoots into his gas tank. The car starts to explode while Boris is able to save himself at the last moment. But he suffers severe burns on his back, buttocks and pubic area. Like his friend Igor Sworygin, he remains disabled for the rest of his life. The car burns out completely.

Meanwhile, Ivan Fyodorovich tries to be caring for his granddaughter. So he cooks her favorite pelmeni and spoils her wherever he can. Militia officer Podberjoskin, who is also good friends with Katja, visits her sometimes. Katja is slowly getting better.

Militia Colonel Nikolai Petrovich Pashutin, Vadim's father, understands that the accidents cannot be coincidences. The Colonel discovers that the sofa Igor was sitting on had a clear bullet hole. He informs his son about it and scares his son that it will be his turn for the next victim next Wednesday. Against this background, Wadim begins to develop an uncontrollable paranoia . Nikolai Pashutin also understands that Katya's grandfather Ivan Fyodorovich may have a strong motive for committing these acts. Pashutin obtained a search warrant for Ivan Fyodorovich's apartment. But the militiamen found neither weapons nor ammunition in his apartment. When Ivan Fyodorovich's neighbor returns from her village vacation, her apartment is also searched. Ivan Fyodorowitsch becomes increasingly nervous because he left the weapon in the neighbor's apartment. When the militiamen opened the cupboard in which he had stowed the weapon, it was suddenly gone. The house search remains unsuccessful. But Nikolai Pashutin threatens Ivan Fyodorovich that he is absolutely certain that Ivan Fyodorovich is responsible for all of this. And if something should happen to his son Vadim, then Pashutin will do everything to get Ivan Fyodorovich. But Ivan Fyodorovich remains calm and says: “Too late. Something has already happened to him ”. When Nikolai Paschutin went to Chukhanov's apartment in panic, Ivan Fyodorovich finished his sentence: “Of course something happened to him. If he does things like that, something happened to him a long time ago ”.

Nikolai Pashutin knocks on the door, but no one answers. When he breaks down the door, Nikolai Pashutin is bullet in the stomach. When the militiamen storm the apartment, Vadim Pashutin is sitting behind the refrigerator with a gun and laughing hysterically. The militiamen take the rifle away from him. He is taken by the emergency doctor and later referred to a psychiatric institution.

When Ivan Fyodorowitsch is walking through the high-rise complex the next day, he is stopped by his friend, militiaman Podberjoskin. Podberjoskin shows Ivan Fyodorowitsch the sniper rifle with which he shot. Podberjoskin "confiscates" the rifle unofficially and asks Ivan Fyodorovich to go home and stop doing anything stupid. It turns out that Podberjoskin was in the neighbour's apartment and stole the rifle shortly before the house search.

Ivan Fyodorovich goes back to his apartment. When he comes in through the door, he hears his granddaughter playing the guitar and singing.


  • The actor Mikhail Ulyanov , who played the role of Ivan Fyodorowitsch, received a Nika in 2000 for “best male role”. At the Nika Awards, the film was also nominated in the categories “Best Film”, “Best Music” and “Best Male Supporting Role” ( Sergei Garmasch ).
  • Mikhail Ulyanov also received the Golden Ram award from the Guild of Russian Cinema Critics for his role .

useful information

The film title was named after the Soviet army award "Voroshilov Rifleman", which was awarded to the best riflemen in the Red Army in the 1930s . The award is again named after the Soviet Defense Minister Kliment Eefremowitsch Voroshilov .

The film was shot in Kaluga in July / August 1999 . Ivan Fyodorovich's fictional apartment is located at 4 Okruzhnaya Street.

The film had a great success in Russia and the CIS countries . According to the director Stanislaw Goworuchin, the main actor Mikhail Ulyanov is said to have received "sacks of mail" in which the fans of the film expressed their sympathy.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. “Ворошиловский стрелок” попал в цель. In: Moskovsky Komsomolets . April 20, 2009, Retrieved April 15, 2013 (Russian).