Rayon d'Or

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Rayon d'Or is a white wine variety newly bred at the beginning of the 20th century by the French breeder Albert Seibel . It is a cross between Seibel 405 and Seibel 2007 and belongs to the large family of Seibel vines . It is a complex breed in which genes from the wild grapes Vitis rupestris , Vitis aestivalis and Vitis vinifera are present. In 1958, the area under vines in France was 6,965 hectares . In 1999 the area had shrunk to 8 hectares. Smaller vineyards are also known in the United States (→ viticulture in New Jersey , → viticulture in Ohio , → viticulture in Pennsylvania ) and in Canada.

Since it is a hybrid grape, it is not approved for quality wines according to EU regulations.

The variety also served as the basis for the new varieties Seyval Blanc and Vidal Blanc .

See also the articles Viticulture in France , Viticulture in Canada, and Viticulture in the United States, and the list of grape varieties .

Parentage: Seibel 405 x Aramon du Gard (vulgo Seibel 2007)


Rayon d'Or is also known under the names 4986 Seibel, Feherek Kiralya, Roi des Blancs, S-4986, Seibel 4986, Toth Lajos S. III., Zlatni Luc, Zokoy Loloutch, Zolotoi Luch and Zolotoy Loutch.

Ampelographic varietal characteristics

In ampelography , the habitus is described as follows:

  • The shoot tip is open. It is hairy white wool with a slight carmine red tinge. The young leaves are hairy like a cobweb.
  • The dark green, shiny leaves are five-lobed. The stem bay is elliptically open.
  • The cylindrical grape is medium-sized and quite dense. The round berries are medium in size and golden yellow in color.

Rayon d'Or sprouts late, with good fungal resistance to powdery mildew ( powdery mildew and downy mildew of the grapevine ). On the other hand, it is susceptible to anthracnose . The berries ripen at almost the same time as the Gutedel . The grape variety is one of the very early ripening varieties.

Web links


  • Pierre Galet : Cépages et vignobles de France. Volume 1: Les vignes américaines. 2e édition, entièrement refondue. Déhan, Montpellier 1988, ISBN 2-902771-03-7 .
  • Pierre Galet: Dictionnaire encyclopédique des cépages. Hachette, Paris 2000, ISBN 2-01-236331-8 .