Real-valued function

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In mathematics, a real-valued function is a function whose function values ​​are real numbers . The term real function is closely related , but it is not clearly used in the literature. Real-valued functions can be found in almost all areas of mathematics, especially in analysis , functional analysis and optimization .


Real-valued function

A real-valued function is a function


where the target set is the set of real numbers . The definition set is arbitrary.

Real function

As with complex-valued and complex functions , the term real function is not used uniformly in the mathematical literature. Sometimes this term is synonymous with a real-valued function, sometimes only functions whose definition set is a subset of the real numbers, i.e. functions


where is.

Special cases

In the case of real-valued functions, there are generally no requirements placed on the structure of the definition set. If the definition set is to be restricted, a corresponding addition is appended to the term “real-valued function”. This is the name of a function, for example

  • real-valued function of a real variable, if is,
  • real-valued function of several real variables, if with is,
  • real-valued function of a complex variable if is,
  • real-valued function of several complex variables, if with is.

If is a subset of a real vector space , then a function is also called a (real-valued) functional .


  • The function is a real-valued function of a real variable.
  • The function is a real-valued function of several real variables.
  • The function that assigns its imaginary part to a complex number is a real-valued function of a complex variable.
  • If the vector space of the symmetric real matrices , then the function is defined by a real-valued function.
  • The null function is a real-valued function that is defined on any set. It assigns the number zero to each element.


Graph of the functions (
paraboloid ) and ( absolute square )

The graph of a real-valued function of a real variable can be visualized by plotting the points in a two-dimensional coordinate system . To represent real-valued functions of two real variables, the points are entered in a three-dimensional coordinate system . With continuous functions, these representations form a curve or surface without jumps. With functions of two real variables, colors are sometimes used to visualize the function value. Real-valued functions of a complex variable can be represented in the same way as real-valued functions of two real variables. The imaginary part and the real part are taken as the first and second argument.


Algebraic properties

Addition of the sine function and the exponential function to with

The set of all real-valued functions over a given set forms a real vector space , which is denoted by , or . The sum of two real-valued functions and is defined by

for all and the product of a real-valued function with a real number by

for everyone . These vector spaces are called real function spaces . They play an important role in linear algebra and calculus . With addition and point-wise multiplication defined by

for all the real-valued functions over the set form a commutative ring . With all three links, the real-valued functions form a real algebra .

Analytical properties

A real-valued function is called bounded if there is a bound such that

is for everyone . The set of bounded real-valued functions forms with the supremum norm

a standardized space . Since the real numbers are complete , it is even a Banach space . A sequence of real-valued functions with for is called uniformly bounded if every term in the sequence is a bounded function and the sequence

is a bounded sequence of real numbers. A sequence of real-valued functions is called pointwise bounded if the real number sequence for all

is limited. A uniformly bounded sequence of real-valued functions is always bounded pointwise, but the converse does not have to hold. A sequence of real-valued functions is called uniformly convergent to a real-valued function if

applies. Correspondingly, a sequence of real-valued functions is called pointwise convergent to a real-valued function if for all

applies. Here, too, the uniform convergence results in point-wise convergence, but not the reverse. Further analytical properties, such as continuity , differentiability or integratability , require at least a topological , metric or mass-theoretical structure on the definition set .

Order properties

After the real numbers are ordered , the partial order can be used for real-valued functions

define. A sequence of real-valued functions with is then called monotonically increasing . The partial order is analogous

defined and a sequence of real-valued functions with is then monotonically decreasing .


The real-vector- valued functions form a generalization of the real-valued functions . These are functions that are mapped in the. The vector-valued functions that map into arbitrary vector spaces are even more general . Functions that take complex function values ​​are called complex-valued functions .


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