Citizenship of Bad Münder

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The citizenship of Bad Münder is an organization in Bad Münder am Deister , whose current purpose is the forest administration of the Bad Münder municipal forest . The facility is located in the forester's house in Bad Münder, at the address: Bergschmiede 1 in 31848 Bad Münder.


At the time of the early Middle Ages there were forest areas divided into so-called brands in the mountain ranges of the Süntel , Deister and Bückeberg . The localities within these areas had been granted the right to use the trees growing there as market cooperatives .

In particular, in the former settlement mouths of the arable people gradually Ackerbürger become known as " erbgesessene citizens " settled in terraced houses. Some of these " row citizens " had, in addition to other privileges under the medieval town charter , primarily acquired the valuable brewers' fairness for some of their houses . Compared to other residents, these house owners were entitled to almost twice as high a proportion of forest and firewood. As preferred brewery owners, they shared the forest use with other row citizens in a ratio of 10: 6.

A holting or wooden dish was first mentioned in Münder in 1533. This dish was created by an annually changing wood Count passed by ten members elected by the number of citizens aldermen supported. The Holting as a self-administration of the Münderschen row citizens regulated the use of wood, punished forest offenses and other offenses and established the external borders of the areas to be used.

In the age of absolutism , a decree of the government of the Electorate of Braunschweig-Lüneburg , based in Hanover , abolished the wooden courts in 1711 and abolished the office of woodgrave as well as centuries-old, democratic- based brand cooperatives. In place of the previously regularly changing wood counts determined by the cooperatives, the government appointed a riding forester who remained in office for the first time .

The transformation of the forest administration at the beginning of the 18th century led to protracted legal disputes between the municipal authorities of the city of Münder and the citizenry over property rights . At the time of the Kingdom of Hanover , in 1832/1834 the Communion-Süntel was divided into the Münderscher Stadtforst and the Bakede / Hamelspringe forest for interested parties .

In the early founding of the German Empire , Münder citizenship was granted the forest areas that still exist today in 1874. In addition, it received rights to coal - mining , the construction and use of quarries and the mining and smelting of iron ore . For the practical implementation, a citizen committee was formed, while the management of assets and property was transferred to the Münder magistrate. The employed city forester took over the administration of the forests of the citizenry.

At the beginning of the Weimar Republic , the city of Münder left the administration in 1919; instead, citizenship took over the management of the Bad Münder municipal forest.

In the post-war period , the citizens of Bad Münder took over the independent management of their forests and other assets in 1950.

Individual evidence

  1. Compare the imprint on the page [ undated ], last accessed on September 4, 2019
  2. a b c d e f g h o. V .: The history of the row citizenship Bad Münder on the page [ undated ], last accessed on September 4, 2019

Coordinates: 52 ° 11 ′ 3.2 ″  N , 9 ° 25 ′ 31.8 ″  E