Franz Reisinger (doctor)

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Memorial to the physician Franz Reisinger (1787–1855) in the Catholic cemetery on Hermanstrasse in Augsburg (Hermanfriedhof)

Franz Reisinger (born April 3, 1787 in Koblenz , † April 20, 1855 in Augsburg ) was a German surgeon and university professor.


Franz Reisinger was born in Koblenz as the son of Felix Reisinger, personal physician of the last clerical elector of Trier Clemens Wenzeslaus . He attended grammar school in Augsburg, began studying medicine at the University of Landshut in 1808 and later moved to the universities in Würzburg and Göttingen . In 1814 he received his doctorate in Göttingen on the subject of "De exercitationibus chirotechnicis et de constructione et usu phantasmatis in opthalmologia" . In the same year he published the essay "Contributions to surgery and ophthalmic art" in Göttingen . For further training Reisinger went to Vienna in 1815, to Paris in 1816 and to London in 1817. There he completed his knowledge with Georg Joseph Beer , Guillaume Dupuytren , Astley Paston Cooper and Sir William Lawrence (1783-1867). At the end of 1817 he returned to Augsburg and practiced there.

On May 3, 1819, he was offered a position as associate professor in Landshut. Reisinger's lectures dealt with a. with pathology , surgery , therapy , and ophthalmology . He also founded a polyclinic . In 1820 Reisinger wrote a monograph on artificial premature birth and in 1824 published the “Bavarian Annals for Treatises, Inventions and Observations in the Field of Surgery, Ophthalmology and Obstetrics” . On March 7, 1822, he was appointed full professor. However, disputes with older members of the faculty led to his transfer to Erlangen on March 13, 1824 as professor of maternity studies . A call from November 11, 1825 as chair of surgery at the University of Erlangen, he could not accept because of his bad health. On August 28, 1826, his retirement request was granted and he retired to Augsburg. Reisinger recovered there and worked as a "chief surgeon" in the surgical department of the General Hospital, of which he became director in 1831.

Reisinger died of cholera in April 1855 . Shortly before his death, due to quarrels with the Augsburg city council, he appointed the University of Munich as the main heir to his fortune of 300,000 guilders . With this legacy, an educational institution for young doctors was to be founded, because Reisinger was of the opinion that the graduates of the Munich University were particularly inadequately prepared for their work as general practitioners.


With the help of Reisinger's donation, the General Polyclinic of the Ludwig Maximilians University, founded in 1843, was able to move into a former villa at 17 Sonnenstrasse on November 28, 1863. The "Reisingerianum", which was soon to be called, was not only a practical educational institution for doctors, but also united all of the university's polyclinics.


On December 11, 1852, Franz Reisinger was made an honorary citizen of Augsburg.


  • Wolfgang Locher: Franz Reisinger (1787–1855) and the Munich Polyclinic in 1910 (= Institute for the History of Medicine. Exhibition catalog 1). Exhibition in the polyclinic of the University of Munich 18.2. - February 26, 1988. Cygnus-Verlag, Munich 1988, ISBN 3-926936-01-0 .
  • Franz von WinckelReisinger, Franz . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 28, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1889, p. 128.