Rellinghauser Mühlenbach

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Rellinghauser Mühlenbach
Water code DE : 2769572
location Süderbergland


River system Rhine
Drain over Ruhr  → Rhine  → North Sea
source near Essen - Bredeney
51 ° 24 ′ 55 ″  N , 7 ° 0 ′ 1 ″  E
Source height approx.  146  m
muzzle in Essen- Rellinghausen in the Ruhr Coordinates: 51 ° 25 '45 "  N , 7 ° 1' 53"  E 51 ° 25 '45 "  N , 7 ° 1' 53"  E
Mouth height 53.7  m above sea level NHN
Height difference approx. 92.3 m
Bottom slope approx. 21 ‰
length approx. 4.5 km
Catchment area 6.815 km²
Outflow A Eo : 6.815 km² at the mouth

12.22 l / s
90.41 l / s
13.3 l / (s km²)

The Mühlenbach , also called Rellinghauser Mühlenbach , is an approximately four and a half kilometers, southwest and right tributary of the Ruhr in the area of ​​the city of Essen in North Rhine-Westphalia .



The Rellinghauser Mühlenbach rises at an altitude of about 146  m above sea level. NHN on the south-western edge of the residential area Graf-Spee-Straße, which belongs to the Essen district of Bredeney, directly east of Kruppallee and about fifty meters north of Frankenstraße .

The stream flows on the western edge of the residential area well half a kilometer in first almost north, and later more and more north-northeast through the in a conservation area located Kruppwald . It now crosses Wiedfeldtstrasse and then runs partly underground piped for a good half a kilometer through the Langenbrahm industrial park . A little further down the stream, it is reinforced on its right by a nameless forest stream.

The Rellinghauser Mühlenbach now flows north through deciduous forest and then crosses under the A 52 . It runs about three hundred meters through forest on the western side of the motorway and then disappears brutally into the ground. The brook reappears on the surface after about six hundred meters east of the federal motorway and north of Birkenstraße , then under the tracks of the S-Bahn line S 6, runs in an east-southeast direction through the Walpurgistal .

In a small garden of Bach dive again and now flows underground verdolt through the town. It crosses Rellinghauser Strasse and then runs underground between Sankt Annental in the north and Schnabelstrasse in the south.

A good half a kilometer later, the stream reappears on the surface, passes under the B 227 ( Wuppertaler Straße ) and finally flows out at a height of 53.7  m above sea level. NHN at Ruhr-KM 42.6 a little north of the Konrad-Adenauer-Brücke from the west and from the right into the Ruhr, which is finally approaching there from the north-northeast .

The approximately 4.5 kilometer long course of the Rellinghauser Mühlenbach ends approximately 92 meters below its source, so it has an average bed gradient of about 21 ‰.

Catchment area

The 6.815 km² catchment area of the Rellinghauser Mühlenbach lies in the Ruhr Valley and is drained through it via the Ruhr and the Rhine to the North Sea.

It borders

  • in the southeast to the catchment area of ​​the Borschbach , which flows into the Ruhr,
  • in the south to that of the Ruhr,
  • in the west to that of the Borbecker Mühlenbach , which flows into the Berne and
  • in the northwest to that of the Berne itself, which drains over the Emscher into the Rhine.

nature and environment

Rellinghauser Mühlenbach was renatured in 2018.


The water of the Rellinghauser Mühlenbach once drove drilling and grinding mills, among other things for rifle production.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Karlheinz Paffen , Adolf Schüttler, Heinrich Müller-Miny: Geographical land survey: The natural space units on sheet 108/109 Düsseldorf / Erkelenz. Federal Institute for Regional Studies, Bad Godesberg 1963. →  Online map (PDF; 7.1 MB)
  2. Topographical Information Management, Cologne District Government, Department GEObasis NRW ( Notes )
  3. a b ELWAS specialist information system, Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Agriculture, Nature and Consumer Protection North Rhine-Westphalia ( notes )
  4. Measurement based on topographic information management, Cologne district government, GEObasis NRW department ( notes )
  5. ^ Villa district Graf-Spee-Strasse in Bredeney
  6. "The Rellinghauser Mühlenbach is dust- dry " in (accessed on May 26, 2020)
  7. "Rellinghauser Mühlenbach" on (accessed on May 26, 2020)
  8. "Canal construction project in the Walpurgistal nearing the end" in (requested on May 26, 2020)
  9. "Local history of the city forest" on (requested on May 26, 2020)