Resist to Exist

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Rawside at Resist to Exist 2017
Popperklopper at the Resist to Exist 2017

Resist to Exist is a punk festival near Berlin . The festival has existed since 2003 and has had around 2500 visitors in recent years, who saw 40 bands on two stages. This originally took place in the Berlin district of Marzahn . Meanwhile it moved to the small town of Kremmen near Berlin. The festival is the largest DIY and nonprofit in Germany and is a "must-attend event" for punk and hardcore in Germany.

The festival organized by alternati eV takes place in midsummer and usually lasts a weekend. Bands and visitors come from all over Europe. The organization is carried out on a voluntary basis by volunteers. A total of around 500 people are involved.

Bands that appeared at the festival, for example, were third choice , Distemper , oxo 86 , Rasta Knast , Popperklopper , fence post , Extreme Noise Terror , Oi Polloi , Fine cream fish fillet , low noise , Redska , Los Fastidios , Sham 69 , Wolf Down , What We Feel , Siberian Meat Grinder and Toxoplasma .


The festival developed from the punk scene in East Berlin. After the youth culture in the eastern outskirts was strongly influenced by neo-Nazis, a left-wing scene developed in Biesdorfer Park that was strongly influenced by punk. She got into conflict with the city administration, which finally tried to have a hundred police force clear the park. The loose association in the park then developed into an initiative that organized a protest concert to draw attention to their situation.

The first festival took place in Biesdorfer Park and had 200 spectators. In 2007 the festival moved to an open area in Berlin-Marzahn on the Nordring, and in 2011 to the Hornoer Ring in Marzahn. When there was hardly any open space available in Marzahn, as it had all been sold, the 2016 festival moved to Kremmen in the Oberhavel district of Brandenburg . The festival should also take place in Kremmen over the next few years. This almost led to the cancellation in 2018, as other building regulations apply to regular events than to a one-off festival.

In 2019, the Resist to Exist could not take place in Kremmen, Brandenburg, as it had been for the last three years , but was instead turned against the festival after "legal and bureaucratic obstacles" from the local community and a threatened "large-scale deployment of the police". The registration of the cultural event as a "special market with a character similar to a folk festival", which would have allowed the event in Kremmen, was prohibited. In an open letter, the organizers accuse the mayor of Kremmen Sebastian Busse ( CDU ) and the department head of the building authority Oliver Grützmacher (CDU) of using a loophole in the law to prevent a politically different cultural event. For this reason and "to avoid police violence", the festival was moved to the ORWOhaus in Berlin-Marzahn at short notice .

Web links

Commons : Resist to Exist  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Festival website


  1. Punk festivals in Germany: The opportunity to finally let the pig out . In: Festival Lover . ( [accessed on July 15, 2018]).
  2. Marco Winkler: Punk Festival wants to put down roots . In: Märkische Oder Zeitung (ed.): . July 5, 2018 ( [accessed July 15, 2018]).
  3. Robert Tiesler: Resist to Exist: Festival takes place - but was on the brink. In: Märkische Allgemeine. June 8, 2018, accessed on July 15, 2018 (German).
  4. Resist to Exist - Open letter to Ingo Senftleben, CDU parliamentary group leader and top candidate in the state elections in Brandenburg in 2019. In: Homepage of Resist to Exist. Retrieved on August 3, 2019 (German).
  5. Open letter. In: Resist to Exist. Retrieved on August 3, 2019 (German).
  6. press release. In: Resist to Exist. Retrieved on August 3, 2019 (German).