Riccardo Quartararo

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The Archangel Michael , tempera on wood, Riccardo Quartararo, before 1506

Riccardo Quartararo (* 1443 Sciacca , † 1506 in Palermo ) was an Italian painter of the Renaissance in Sicily and Naples .


In 1459 Quartataro came to the workshop of the painter Pietro Lanzarotto for four years , with whom he painted eight scenes from the life of Saint Barbara in the Chiesa della Confraternita di Santa Barbara in Naro ( Province of Agrigento ). In the contract of October 20, 1459 for artistic work between the Chiesa di San Giacomo in Trapani and Lanzarotto, his young assistant was expressly named ("pro eodem magistro et quodam eius juvene").

On March 8, 1484 Quartararo received the order to deliver an icon in Trapani and on October 24, 1485 a banner (Gonfalone) for the Brotherhood of S. Elena in Corleone . Furthermore, according to the contract of November 6, 1489, he had to paint a representation of Mary for the Chiesa di San Vito in Girgenti ( Agrigento ).

In 1491 he went to Naples, where he worked with Costanzo de Moysis (around 1450–1524) on panels for the Chiesa di San Marcellino, the S. Giovanni a Mare and the S. Trinita in Sessa Cilento . In November 1491 Quartararo painted a picture for Matteo Ferillo's chapel in the Chiesa Santa Maria la Nuova in Naples, which was only delivered on November 18, 1492, as he was still commissioned by King Ferdinand I "Ferrante" ( 1458–1494) had to fulfill in Castel Nuovo. For this he received 20 ducats.

On September 4, 1494 he returned to Sicily and settled in Palermo, where on September 24 of the same year he received a contract as a draftsman of the choir roof for the Chiesa di Santa Caterina all'Olivella. A little later he painted a triptych for the San Pietro and two apostles for the SS. Pietro e Paolo.

The contract, dated August 27, 1495, obliged Quartararo to paint frescoes for the church of the Monasterio di Montevergine in Palermo (Birth of Christ, Adoration of the Magi and Assumption). The frescoes were destroyed when the church was rebuilt in the 18th century. Another treaty of August 27, 1495 demanded three paintings from Quartararo for the Santa Maria delle Grazie in Palermo (Birth of Christ, Epiphany and Mary's Death), and on May 5, 1498 the Convent of San Francesco in Collesano ordered a panel (Mary and Saints) .

His activity is also documented after 1500, for example he painted a representation of the Virgin Mary for the Cappella Santa Caterina in the Cathedral of Palermo . In contracts of January 14th and 17th, 1501 and on September 11th, 1502 he received further orders for panel paintings, mostly depictions of Mary.

Classification of art

Quartararo's art was clearly influenced by Dutch-Spanish art, into which he incorporated elements of Bohemian-German painting. The art of Colantonio (around 1420–1460) or even of Antonello da Messina (1430–1479), which predominated in Naples shortly before 1500 , left him just as unimpressed as the movements of the early Renaissance in Florence. His art stuck to traditional iconography, whereby he integrated carefully formulated details and landscape backgrounds into his pictures. However, the numerous commissions in Naples and Sicily show that it was precisely this imagery that was typical for him that was decisive for the award of the contract, probably also because it corresponded more closely to the popular piety deeply rooted here than the urbane Renaissance art of central and northern Italy.

Work (selection)


  • Gaetano Filangieri (ed.): Indice degli artefici delle arti maggiori e minori, la più parte ignoti o poco noti, si napoletani e siciliani, si delle altre regioni d'Italia o stranieri, che operarono tra noi, con notizia delle loro opere e del tempo del loro esercizio, da studii e nuovi documenti (= Documenti per la storia le arti e le industrie delle province napoletane. Volume 6). Volume 2: H - Z. Tipografia dell'Accademia reale delle scienze, Naples 1891.
  • Enrico Mauceri : Riccardo Quartararo . In: Emporium . Istituto italiano d'arti grafiche, Bergamo 1895, p. 466–473 ( Text Archive - Internet Archive - With illustrations).
  • Capo IV. Riccardo Quartararo . In: Gioacchino Di Marzo (ed.): La Pittura in Palermo nel Rinascimiento Storia e documenti . A. Reber, Palermo 1899, p. 157–202 (Italian, Textarchiv - Internet Archive - With illustrations on pp. 177–178).
  • Wilhelm Rolfs: Richard Quartararo . In: History of Painting in Naples . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1910, p. 132, 139, 143-144, 156 and 169 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  • Quartararo, Riccardo . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General lexicon of fine artists from antiquity to the present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 27 : Piermaria – Ramsdell . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1933, p. 501 .
  • Luigi Biagi: Quartararo, Riccardo. In: Enciclopedia Italiana . 1935 (Italian, treccani.it ).

Web links

Commons : Riccardo Quartararo  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Riccardo Quartararo . In: Painting of the Renaissance in Italy . Academic Publishing Company Athenaion, Berlin-Neubabelsberg 1922, p. 214 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive - Figure 202).