Reference section

A straightening line is a mine construction that is oriented in the direction of strike of a deposit . General painting is decisive for characterization as a straightening section. The straightening sections connect the conveyor shaft with the cross passages .
Although a straightening path is usually in the direction of strike, its direction can change. In special troughs and special saddles it can happen that the stroke changes and a so-called circumferential stroke occurs. Then the direction of the straightening section changes so that it runs at an acute or right angle to the strike of the seams . However, this change in direction does not cause the straightened route to lose its validity as a straightened route. Straightening sections are laid as close as possible to the individual groups of deposits. As a result, the respective cross passages can be driven with a shorter length. The Gangerzlagerstätten - such as in Bensberger Erzrevier - the directivity range in both the hanging wall , the footwall and in Erzpfeiler even ascended to. It all depends on how to find the cheapest route without hindering mining activities .
Tasks and number
In a mine, straightening routes serve as a collection point for extraction , transport and driving . At the same time, they are used for ventilation for the entire mine field . If the mine field has its greatest extent in the direction of strike, one straightening section is usually sufficient. The prerequisite for this, however, is that the deposit is evenly distributed over the entire mine field. Several straightening stretches are usually required if the stretching of the mine field is in a cross-cutting direction.
Individual evidence
- ^ A b c Walter Bischoff , Heinz Bramann, Westfälische Berggewerkschaftskasse Bochum: The small mining dictionary. 7th edition, Verlag Glückauf GmbH, Essen 1988, ISBN 3-7739-0501-7
- ^ A b c Carl Hellmut Fritzsche: Textbook of mining science. Second volume, 10th edition, Springer Verlag, Berlin / Göttingen / Heidelberg 1962
- ^ Herbert Stahl (editor), Gerhard Geurts , Hans-Dieter Hilden, Herbert Ommer , Siegfried Raimann: Das Erbe des Erzes, Volume 4, Der Lüderich , Bergisch Gladbach 2008, ISBN 3-932326-52-0 , pp. 145ff.