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Rimskiy Korsakov.jpg
Ship data
flag RussiaRussia Russia Soviet Union
Soviet UnionSoviet Union 
Ship type River cruise ship
class Rossiya- class
Project 785 / OL800
home port Omsk
Shipping company OOO Irtyshskoye Rechnoye Parokhodstvo
Shipyard Narodny Podnik Škoda, Komárno
Launch 1956
Whereabouts in service
Ship dimensions and crew
80.2 m ( Lüa )
width 14 m
Draft Max. 1.7 m
displacement 1,003 t
crew 45
Machine system
machine diesel-electric 2 × diesel engine
performanceTemplate: Infobox ship / maintenance / service format
546 kW (742 hp)
11.1 kn (21 km / h)
propeller 2
Transport capacities
Permitted number of passengers 102
Classifications Russian River Register
RRR: 140048

The Rimskiy-Korsakov ( Russian Римский-Корсаков , German Rimski-Korsakow) is a river cruise ship that was built in 1956 in Czechoslovakia in the Narodny Podnik Škoda shipyard in Komárno (now Slovenské Lodenice Komárno, then part of the Škoda Group ) and belongs to the Rossiya class (Project 785 / OL800). It is used by OOO "Irtyschskoje Retschnoje Parochodstwo" ( Russian Иртышское Речное Пароходство ) on the Irtysh and whether on the route Omsk - Salekhard operated. The ship is named after the Russian composer and conductor Rimsky-Korsakov .


The river cruise ship with two passenger decks was built in 1956 at the Slovak shipyard Narodny Podnik Škoda in Komárno as Rimskiy-Korsakov for the shipping company "Wolzhskoje Gruzo-passazhirskoje Parochodstwo" (Volga freight passenger shipping company) in Gorki . She belonged to a series of 36 ships of the Rossiya class produced between 1952 and 1958 , which was also known as "Project 785" or "OL800" (Slovak: osobna lod 800 - German: passenger ship 800 hp). The Rimskiy-Korsakov has a diesel-electric drive with two main engines and was completely modernized in 1992–1993 at the Omsk shipyard. It was operated on the Volga from 1956 to 1959 until 1960 was dragged further east to Salekhard. This river cruise ship remained on the Irtysh and Ob to this day as the most comfortable, ahead of the German Rodina , Chernyshevskiy and Mekhanik Kalashnikov (all 3 - Project 646, Baikal). 1999–2008, hauled by Eurosia-Tour Khanty-Mansiysk , Rimskiy-Korsakov was operated on the short route to Bolscheretschje and on the long routes Omsk - Salekhard and Salekhard - Omsk, also with travelers from Germany on board. After the sinking of the sister ship Bulgaria on the Volga, operations by the Rimskiy-Korsakov are hindered and the ship is for sale.


All 1, 2, 3 and 4-bed cabins are equipped with a refrigerator and television. There are restaurants, a bar-salon and a sauna on board.


  1. On the motor ship through Siberia and the Far East ( Memento from November 29, 2010 in the Internet Archive )
  2. The Rimskiy-Korsakov in Omsk subjected to control
  3. Use of the Rimskiy-Korsakov after years until 2007. (No longer available online.) Formerly in the original ; Retrieved November 22, 2011 .  ( Page no longer available , search in web archives )@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / www.flotte.by.ru [Use of Rimskiy-Korsakov after years until 2007]
  4. Use of the Rimskiy-Korsakov 2008–2009 ( Memento from November 29, 2010 in the Internet Archive )

Web links

See also