Robert March

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Karl Robert März (born July 15, 1894 in Dresden , † January 21, 1979 in Bergen / Rügen ) was a German teacher and ornithologist .


Robert März was born in Dresden as the son of a master plumber, where he also attended school. After successfully attending the teachers' seminar from 1909 to 1914 and serving in the First World War, in which he was taken prisoner by the French, from which he was only released in 1920, he was released after stops in Kamenz (April 1920 to January 1921) and Mühltroff (February 1921 to December 1924) teacher in the village of Wehlen in Saxon Switzerland . He was later transferred to the city of Sebnitz . From 1948 until its dissolution at the end of 1954, Robert März was the head of the branch office for bird protection in Prossen near Bad Schandau . Then he went to the Institute for Plant Breeding in Quedlinburg . Between 1957 and 1959 he worked in the Dresden branch of the Institute for Landscape Management and Nature Conservation (Halle) , then on the initiative of Heinrich Dathe until 1964 in the Berlin Zoo .

He joined the Kulturbund of the GDR at an early stage , where he became a member of the ornithology district committee for the Dresden district .

In his free time he was interested in the fauna of the Elbe Sandstone Mountains from an early age . The results of his years of intensive research flowed into the publication Tierleben des Elbsandsteingebirge, published in 1957 by Ziemsen Verlag , which was quickly sold out. In later times he increasingly turned to ornithology. He devoted his particular interest to birds of prey and owls. He researched the distribution of these animal species on numerous excursions into nature.

Special services Robert in March gained in the development of Gewöll- and Rupfungskunde the owls. In the case of birds of prey, he specialized in further research into their diet. He also published several specialist books, including the Handbuch der Gewöll- und Rupfungskunde , which was published in two editions by the Akademie-Verlag in Berlin and was later fundamentally revised by Konrad Banz .

The volumes Der Uhu , Der Rauhfußkauz as well as Rupfungen und Gewölle were published by him in the series of the Neue Brehm-Bücherei .

From 1974 he lived on the island of Rügen with his daughter, where he died in 1979.



  • Gerhard Creutz : Robert March died , in: Sächsische Heimatblätter , 25 (1979), p. 289.
  • Joachim Neumann: March, Karl Robert. In: Joachim Neumann et al .: Life pictures of Saxon ornithologists. Communications from the Saxon Ornithologists' Association. Volume 10, special issue 3, 2010, pp. 127–128.

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Individual evidence

  1. biography with photo