Village of Wehlen

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Village of Wehlen
City Wehlen
Coordinates: 50 ° 57 ′ 38 ″  N , 14 ° 0 ′ 21 ″  E
Height : 220 m above sea level NN
Residents : 651  (December 31, 2012)
Incorporation : January 1, 1994
Postal code : 01829
Area code : 035024
Wehlen Village (Saxony)
Village of Wehlen

Location of Dorf Wehlen in Saxony

View from Rauenstein to the village of Wehlen
View from Rauenstein to the village of Wehlen
Tower of the St. Michaelis Church in the village of Wehlen
Listed farmsteads on Vorwerkstrasse in the village of Wehlen
Listed old school at Schulstrasse 1 in the village of Wehlen

Dorf Wehlen is a district of the town of Stadt Wehlen in the Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains district in Saxony .


Dorf Wehlen is four kilometers east of the city ​​center of Pirna in the north-west of Saxon Switzerland . Neighboring districts are Stadt Wehlen in the southeast and the town of Wehlener district sign in the south. The Pirna district of Posta (Oberposta) borders in the southwest, and Mockethal (also Pirna) in the west . Neighboring to the north is Lohmen , and to the northeast is the Lohmen district of Uttewalde . To the east, the corridors of Dorf Wehlen border on the bushwood forest, which is also part of the Lohmen district. The village corridors, which alone make up more than two thirds of the total communal area of ​​the city of Wehlen and extend over a relatively rounded area with dimensions of around 3 by 2.5 kilometers, lie almost completely on the right bank of the Elbe on the plateau ( flatness ) north of the breakthrough valley of the Elbe through the Elbe Sandstone Mountains .

The place itself extends following the Wilkebach in a valley sloping towards the Elbe valley. Along the southern corridor boundary, the terrain drops steeply into the Elbe Valley in a step around 100 meters high. The highest point is the Wehlener Kohlberg at around 265  m in the far north of the corridor on the road to Lohmen. In the northwest of the corridor, the Kratzbach has cut into the terrain. His valley, called Herrenleite , is the location of several quarries in which Posta sandstone is extracted. The end point of the former Pirna – Herrenleite railway line is also located in Herrenleite . Another quarry that is still in operation is located in the extreme south of the village of Wehlen. With the exception of the built-up location, the entire corridor belongs to the landscape protection area , the extreme northeast of the corridor even belongs to the Saxon Switzerland National Park .

The district road 8710 (Pirnaer Straße) connects Dort Wehlen with the city of Wehlen and Pirna-Mockethal. Schulstrasse branches off from here in the village of Wehlen and leads as district road 8711 to state road 165 in Lohmen. A bus line operated by RVSOE connects the town with Pirna. The Lausitzer Schlange long-distance hiking trail runs through the village of Wehlen along the Mittelweg ; A quarry educational trail leads along the steep slope into the Elbe valley . In its course lies the Wilke view, from which one can look over the Elbe valley and Pötzscha to the bastion .


The place name has the same Slavic origin as that of the neighboring town of Stadt Wehlen (for details see there). It is recorded for the first time in 1255 as part of the personal name Theodoricus de Wilin , but there it stands for City of Wehlen. The village of Wehlen is mentioned for the first time in 1445 when a document relates to a location "Zcu alden Welin im dorffe". In the further course of the 15th century u. a. the spelling “Welin, daz dorff”, “das dorff Welen”, “Alden Welen” and “Wehlen superior sive villa” is used. In the 16th century u. a. the forms "villa Bellen", "Dorffwehlen", "Aldtwehlen", "Dorfweihla" and "Dorff Wielen" are used. In 1791 the place is mentioned as "Wehlen, the village". The addition “village” serves to distinguish it from the neighboring town of Wehlen and is now an inseparable part of the official place name. The addition "old", which was also used in the past to differentiate, probably comes from the fact that the village of Wehlen was an old accessory to the Wehlen rulership, which was initially controlled from Wehlen Castle .

Dorf Wehlen emerged as a Waldhufendorf whose corridor covered 33 ¾ Hufen in the middle of the 16th century and around 777 hectares in 1900. In 1464 there were two outworks in the village, one still in the 18th century.
The local St. Michaelis Church was already a parish church around 1500 , to which the church in the neighboring town of Wehlen was assigned as a branch church from 1539 to 1759 . The altar and organ come from the workshop of Christian Gottfried and Wilhelm Leberecht Herbrig from 1831 in the old town near Stolpen . For parish village Wehlen include Mockethal, Uttewalde and part of Stadt Wehlen. From 1547 until the 19th century, the village of Wehlen had the status of an official village and was therefore subordinate to the Lohmen Office from a manorial, hereditary and administrative point of view, and then to the Hohnstein Office in 1816 . On the basis of the rural community code of 1838 , Dorf Wehlen gained its independence as a rural community . In 1856 it belonged to the Pirna Court Office and then came to the Pirna District Administration , which was renamed
the Pirna District in 1939 . During the GDR era , Wehlen was part of the Pirna district . On January 1, 1994, it merged with the city of Wehlen under its name and, as part of it, belonged to the Saxon Switzerland district from the same year .

According to a legend, the place "Das Buttel von Dorf Wehlen" goes around. The listed old school at Schulstrasse 1 replaced an older school building at the same location in 1870 and served the school until 1914 when it was in turn replaced by a larger building. A historic classroom has been located in the old school since 1997. In the cemetery next to the church there is a plaque commemorating Martin Luther from 1933. On the road from Dorf Wehlen to Mockethal there were two mighty old linden trees; the larger one was equipped with a viewing scaffold, inaugurated on June 2, 1881, from which there was a panoramic view of the plateau. Both trees had to be felled at the beginning of the 20th century.

Population development

year Residents
1547/51 42 possessed men , 41 residents
1764 41 possessed men , 40 cottagers
1834 586
1871 871
1890 939
1910 932
1925 940
1939 923
1946 1024
1950 1045
1964 888
1990 701
2003 656
2004 645
2005 644
2006 653
2007 658
2008 657
2009 655
2010 650
2011 658
2012 651
2013 630
2014 633
2015 632
2016 616

Culture and sights


A list of all cultural monuments can be found here: List of cultural monuments in the city of Wehlen

Web links

Commons : Dorf Wehlen  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
  • Dorf Wehlen in the Digital Historical Directory of Saxony

Individual evidence

  1. Andreas Bartsch: The quarry path in the city of Wehlen - characters . Dresden 2005. Accessed November 21, 2013.
  2. ^ Ernst Eichler / Hans Walther : Historical book of place names of Saxony. Vol. 2, Berlin 2001. pp. 557 f.
  3. Andreas Hummel: Village development using the example of Dorf Wehlen. In conversation with Prof. Dr. Ing.habil. Wolf Blumensaat, TU Dresden. Retrieved November 21, 2013.
  4. Dorf Wehlen in the Digital Historical Directory of Saxony . Retrieved November 21, 2013.
  5. The organ in the St. Michaelis Church in Dorf Wehlen . KULTUR werkstatt Stolpen eV Accessed on March 14, 2019.
  6. Sagen - The Buttel of Dorf Wehlen. ( Memento of the original from September 24, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved November 21, 2013. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  7. "Old School" Dorf Wehlen. Retrieved November 21, 2013.
  8. Cemetery Dorf Wehlen. Retrieved November 21, 2013.
  9. Michael Bellmann: The observation tower leader. Saxon-Bohemian Switzerland and Dresden with surrounding area. Heimatbuchverlag, Dresden 2011, ISBN 978-3-937537-50-4 , p. 10 ( digitized version , PDF ( memento of the original from December 3, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check Original and archive link according to instructions and then remove this note. ). @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  10. 1547–1990: Dorf Wehlen in the Digital Historical Directory of Saxony . Retrieved November 21, 2013.
  11. Since 2003: As of December 31, data source: State Statistical Office of Saxony