Robert Stauffer

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Robert Stauffer (born June 23, 1936 in Bern , Switzerland ) is a Swiss writer , radio play author , cultural journalist and translator .


The son of a hotelier grew up in Bern and Zurich , where he attended the arts and crafts school and took acting lessons. After training as a structural draftsman and publishing his first poetry in daily newspapers in Zurich, he moved to Vienna in 1958 . There he worked as a freelance culture journalist for domestic and foreign newspapers and was active as a radio play director at Radio Wien .

Together with Jan Rys , he founded the Karlsteiner Autorentreffen in 1962 , which took place annually from 1969 to 2001 as an international radio play and dramaturge meeting , with the support of ORF , in Rust in Burgenland .

In 1970 he received a three-year scholarship from the Hungarian Ministry of Culture to study Hungarian language and literature; since then he has also been regarded as a cultural mediator between Hungary and the German-speaking countries. He has translated works by Sándor Weöres , Magda Szabó , Róbert Reiter and Lajos Kassák , among others .

From 1974 to 1976 he was secretary of the Austrian Art Senate under Rudolf Henz , after which he lived as a freelance author in Cologne until 1987 . Since then he has been based in Munich . From 1987 to 1988 he was an audio dramaturg at Bayerischer Rundfunk and works as a lecturer for radio plays with students at the Institute for Theater Studies at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich.

From 1991 to 2005 he was chairman of the Association of German Writers (VS) Bavaria; Honorary Chairman since 2005. Since May 1994 he has been a member of the Bavarian Broadcasting Council in Munich; since 2000 the program advisory board of ARTE Germany. Member of the PEN Center Germany since 1973. In addition to his literary work, he is the owner of the small Stora publishing house and is involved in German-language literature; Among other things, the first multimedia literature CD-ROM was published by Stora, and the literary magazine cet was published every six months until 2000 .


Stauffer wrote numerous radio plays and radio features, including:

  • Brillum (radio play), 1965
  • The Tunnel (radio play based on Friedrich Dürrenmatt ), 1965
  • Temptation in Budapest (14 episodes, based on Ferenc Koermendi ), 1965
  • Treaty of Peace (translation of the radio play by Magda Szabó), 1967
  • Lies singer (as a television play 1973), 1971
  • The Corpse Feasts (radio play), 1975
  • It could be even worse I (radio play), 1976
  • Boxer rounds (radio play) 1977
  • It could be worse II (radio play) 1978
  • A gentleman travels 1st class 1978 (radio play), 1978
  • A rose is a rose is a rose (radio play workshop about Gertrude Stein ), 1979
  • Caterpillar (radio play), 1979
  • Vilma Mönckeberg (TV portrait), 1980
  • Jesus in the Quarry (radio play), 1981
  • Nailed to the ground by overpowering fire (radio play together with Frank Grützbach ), 1983
  • Besszlab - Fuszlos (radio play), 1983
  • The small disaster program (radio play together with Frank Grützbach), 1984
  • Greetings from Ernst Jandl (feature for his 60th birthday), 1985
  • The Nursery - Obituary (radio play), 1985
  • The boat driver in the moon (transl. Theater by Sándor Weöres), 1985
  • Urbi et orbi (radio play together with Karlheinz Barwasser ), 1985
  • The morning after (radio play together with Karlheinz Barwasser), 1985
  • Polyglot - a hearing insecurity (radio play), 1986
  • Federico Garcia Lorca (feature), 1986
  • Jan Rys (feature), 1986
  • The literary table society (feature about writers' get-togethers in Budapest ), 1987
  • X-ray, can you translate that? (Feature about a Hungarian-German translators conference), 1987
  • André Chenier - Revolution collage (together with Karlheinz Barwasser and Michael Peter ), 1989
  • RadiOh! (Audio collage together with Karlheinz Barwasser), 1989
  • Allegro Barbaro (radio play together with Karlheinz Barwasser), 1989
  • Jewish, Left and Gay (Feature together with Karlheinz Barwasser), 1992
  • A decade is heard, portrait and revision of a legend: the magazine Twen (feature together with Bernhard Greger and Michael Koetzle ), 1995
  • Wies'n-Herrlichkeit or The Beer Olympics (feature together with Karlheinz Barwasser), 1995
  • A single Hitlerey in Stein (audio collage together with Karlheinz Barwasser), 1998
  • Always forwards - never backwards (feature together with Karlheinz Barwasser), 1999

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