Roméo et Juliette (Gounod)

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Work data
Title: Roméo and Juliette
Scene from the third act, 1867

Scene from the third act, 1867

Shape: Opera in five acts
Original language: French
Music: Charles Gounod
Libretto : Jules Barbier and Michel Carré
Literary source: William Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet
Premiere: April 27, 1867
Place of premiere: Théatre Lyrique, Paris
Playing time: approx. 2 ½ hours
Place and time of the action: Verona, Renaissance
  • Juliette Capulet (lyric coloratura soprano )
  • Gertrude, Juliette's wet nurse ( mezzo-soprano )
  • Tybalt, Juliette's cousin ( tenor )
  • Count Paris, engaged to Juliette ( baritone )
  • Graf Capulet ( bass baritone )
  • Gregorio, servant to the Capulets (baritone)
  • Roméo Montaigu ( lyric tenor )
  • Stéphano, Roméos Page (mezzo-soprano), trouser role
  • Benvolio, his friend (tenor)
  • Mercutio, his friend (baritone)
  • Frère Laurent / Father Lorenzo, Hermit ( bass )
  • The Duke of Verona (bass)
  • ( Chorus )

Roméo et Juliette is an opera in five acts by Charles Gounod ( music ) with a libretto by Jules Barbier and Michel Carré.


Adelina Patti and Mario in the balcony scene in act two (London, 1867)

first act

A short prologue explains the hostility of the Montague and Capulet families in Verona . Tybalt and Paris talk about Juliette, who appears with her father at the capulets' masked ball . Romeo, Mercutio and Benvolio are incognito present. Mercutio sings the ballad of Queen Mab . Juliette sings a happy waltz, “Je veux vivre” . Romeo and Juliet meet and fall in love at first sight. But Tybalt reappears and suspects a rival behind Romeo's mask. While Tybalt demands immediate satisfaction , Count Capulet orders that the ball should go on.

Second act

Romeo and Juliet can talk undisturbed for the first time when Romeo climbs over the wall of the Capuletschen garden at night and sees Juliet on the balcony of her room. They confess their love to each other, promise each other to marry ( "Ah! Ne fuis pas encore" ) and say goodbye to each other ( "Va! Repose en paix! Sommeille!" ).

Third act

Father Lorenzo married the lovers in the quiet hope that this might lead to a reconciliation of the families. Since yesterday, Stèphano has looked in vain for his Mr. Roméo. A song of derision about Juliette, who could soon escape her family (“Que fais-tu, blanche tourterelle”), calls the Capulets into action. In the ensuing battles, Tybalt first kills Romeo's friend Mercutio, but is then killed by Romeo in revenge. Romeo is then banished from the city by the Duke.

Fourth act

Romeo says goodbye to Juliet ( "Nuit d'hymenée, Ô douce nuit d'amour" ), who reluctantly lets him go. Juliette's father reminds her that she is engaged to Paris and should marry him soon. Desperate, she calls on Father Lorenzo for help, who gives her a drug that lets her fall into a death-like sleep. The plan is to reopen the tomb after Juliet's funeral and to flee with Romeo. She drinks and falls down like dead.

Fifth act

Romeo believes that Juliet has died and enters Juliet's grave ( "Salut, tombeau / O ma femme, ô ma bien-aimée" ). He poisons himself, and Julia wakes up in his agony. Realizing the situation, she stabs herself. With the last duet ( “Viens, fuyons au bout du monde” ) the lovers die.



Roméo et Juliette is a romantic number opera. Juliette's lively waltz aria “Je veux vivre” is particularly well-known; the opera also includes four expressive duets between Romeo and Juliet.

Discography (selection)

Web links

Commons : Roméo et Juliette  - collection of images, videos and audio files