Pink children

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German title Pink children
Original title PINK CHILDREN
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 2012
length 90 minutes
Age rating FSK without age restriction
Director Julia von Heinz , Chris Kraus , Axel Ranisch , Robert Thalheim , Tom Tykwer
production Kordes & Kordes Film, WDR , Arte
music Matthias Petsche
camera Dennis Pauls , Frank Griebe
cut Milenka Nawka

Rosakinder is a documentary film by the directors Julia von Heinz , Chris Kraus , Axel Ranisch , Robert Thalheim and Tom Tykwer about their mentor, university professor, fatherly friend and colleague Rosa von Praunheim . The directors saw him primarily in his position as a university professor, when he led film classes at the Konrad Wolf University of Film and Television in Potsdam-Babelsberg. Julia von Heinz, Robert Thalheim and Axel Ranisch were students in Praunheim's film classes. Chris Kraus and Tom Tykwer saw him in the context of other film projects, e. B. at the dffb ( German Film and Television Academy Berlin ). The film was shown at the 2013 Berlinale in the Special department and was made on the occasion of the director's 70th birthday. Rosakinder is both a homage and a dedication. It consists of different parts and tells in a patchwork style about the relationship between pupils and teachers. Scenes from the realized film projects have been reproduced, film excerpts from the actual films have been shown, and individual interviews and discussion groups have been incorporated into the plenary. The arguments that take place are both sensitive and radically hurtful. Rejection and approval of the film projects are just as present as a strong, personal bond between pupil and teacher.


The film is referred to as both a feature film and a documentary, cf. Individual evidence. A game plot can be used to describe those scenes in which film projects that have actually taken place were recreated and in this sense they can be called a game plot. The scenes in which Rosa von Praunheim is supposed to remember his students are also a playful act.

Statements by the directors

“Rosa is my best friend and mentor, he is a prophet and he is my father who keeps saving my life. Without him I wouldn't be a director and he always sees more in me than I do, until I believe it. "

- Julia from Heinz

“What I love about Rosa is the pain that he inflicts, that he accepts and enjoys, that he suffers and that he heals. And I wanted everyone to be in this film. "

- Chris Kraus

"Rosa gave me courage, put me on the podium and brought me down again, gave me confidence, encouraged and challenged me, paved the way into the film industry, spurred me on, put me under pressure, found me sexy and angry, made me laugh, never let down and comforted when I needed help. For me there could not have been a better professor than him and that is why he will always be: my Prof. Rosa von Praunheim. "

- Axel Ranisch

"Do. Do. Do. That was his medicine for my bourgeois hesitation. For this I will be eternally grateful to this total work of art. "

- Robert Thalheim

“Rosa taught me that a film has to be chased through the filmmaker's heart to the brain and back again before it deserves to be made, let alone shown to anyone else. That sounds like a commonplace, but anyone who knows Rosa knows that he has developed a passionate philosophy from it, which he pounded on me and many others who wanted to hear or not hear it. Through him I opened an imaginary door that took me away from the street of randomness and into the secret chambers of the cinema. In which intimacy, honesty and a certain degree of exposure are the only things that count. "

- Tom Tykwer


"Rosa von Praunheim, a father figure between" creativity, innovation, defiance, violence, provocation, insecurity and love in equal measure, [...] a father with whom you sometimes argue so much that you want to fight with him. But also a father whom you call when you actually want to be alone and not talk to anyone. ""

- arte tv

“Five fundamentally different German directors present their relationship to their cinematic“ superfather ”Rosa von Praunheim in emphatically personal films. Their contributions focus on dealing with friendship and filmmaking, as well as the relationship between teacher and student. They also deal with the issues of violence, sex and tenderness. The films were made on the occasion of Rosa von Praunheim's 60th birthday and repeatedly ask directly how one can portray someone who has perfected self-expression. "

- Film lexicon two thousand and one, lexicon of international films

Individual evidence

  1. [1]
  2. Quotes from the film, quoted. n. Archived copy ( memento of the original dated June 6, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. Archived copy ( memento of the original dated June 6, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. [2]

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