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Federal district Northwest Russia
Oblast Arkhangelsk
Rajon Winogradowski
Founded 1942
Settlement since 2005
population 1989 inhabitants
(as of Oct. 14, 2010)
Time zone UTC + 3
Telephone code (+7) 81831
Post Code 164577
License Plate 29
OKATO 11 214 829 001
Geographical location
Coordinates 62 ° 41 ′  N , 43 ° 24 ′  E Coordinates: 62 ° 40 ′ 30 "  N , 43 ° 24 ′ 8"  E
Rotschegda (European Russia)
Red pog.svg
Location in the western part of Russia
Rotschegda (Arkhangelsk Oblast)
Red pog.svg
Location in Arkhangelsk Oblast

Rotschegda ( Russian Рочегда ) is a settlement in northwestern Russia . The place belongs to the Arkhangelsk Oblast and has 1989 inhabitants (as of October 14, 2010). Rotschegda belongs administratively to the Winogradowski rajon .


Rotschegda is located about 250 kilometers southeast of the Oblast capital Arkhangelsk . The place is on the right bank of the Northern Dvina . The Beresnik district administrative center is located about 38 kilometers northwest of Rotschegda.


In July 1938, Polish and Russian prisoners from the Bereslag Gulag began building a woodworkers' settlement in the area of ​​today's Rotschegda in order to develop the abundant wood deposits . The actual Rotschegda settlement was established at the end of 1942, after the Bereslag was closed and the prisoners were transferred to the Komi ASSR . In the area of ​​the former gulag, the Konezgorjer forestry enterprise ( Конецгорский леспромхоз ) was created and parts of the existing warehouse infrastructure were taken over. Construction of the Konezgorjer forest railway ( Конецгорская узкоколейная железная дорога ) began to develop in the surrounding forest areas . Russian seasonal workers worked for the forestry company in the early years. From autumn 1945, more than a thousand, mostly ethnic German, forced resettlers were deployed to work in the forestry business, building settlements and building the narrow-gauge railway. Most of these displaced persons decided to leave Rotschegda after their release in 1957.

In 1958 Rotschegda received urban-type settlement status . In the course of an administrative reform in 2005, the place was downgraded to a rural type settlement.

Rotschegda is the administrative center of the municipality Rotschegodskoje selskoje posselenije ( Рочегодское сельское поселение ), which includes ten villages (two of them uninhabited) with a total of 2418 inhabitants (as of 2010).

Population development

The following overview shows the development of the population of Rotschegda.

year Residents
1959 3,923
1970 4,237
1979 3,616
1989 2,999
2002 2,456
2010 1,989

Note: census data

Economy and Transport

The most important branch of the economy in Rotschegda is the forest industry.

The place is not connected to the national network of the Russian Northern Railway . However, there is a connection via a country road to Beresnik, about 40 kilometers away, and to the M8 trunk road running there .

Rotschegda is the starting point of the approximately 60 kilometers long Konezgorjer narrow-gauge railway , which was originally built for timber transport and connects Rotschegda with the villages of Pystroma ( Пыстрома ) and Njawody ( Няводы ).

On the Dvina is a regular ferry service between the towns of Ust-Wajenga ( Усть-Ваеньга ) Konezgorje ( Конецгорье ) Rotschegda , Kurgomen ( Кургомень ) Selmenga ( Сельменьга ) and Borok ( Борок ).


The Soviet weightlifter and Olympic gold medalist Vasily Ivanovich Alexejew lived in Rotschegda from 1953 to 1961.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Itogi Vserossijskoj perepisi naselenija 2010 goda. Tom 1. Čislennostʹ i razmeščenie naselenija (Results of the All-Russian Census 2010. Volume 1. Number and distribution of the population). Tables 5 , pp. 12-209; 11 , pp. 312–979 (download from the website of the Federal Service of State Statistics of the Russian Federation); Čislennost 'naselenija po municipal'nym obrazovanijam i naselennym punktam Archangel'skoj oblasti, vključaja Neneckij avtonomnyj okru Itogi Vserossijskoj perepisi naselenija 2010 Goda (population number of municipal structure and places the Arkhangelsk including the Autonomous circles Nenets results of the All-Russian census 2010.) Table (Download from the website of the Federal Service for State Statistics of Arkhangelsk Oblast)
  2. Конецгорский леспромхоз: между прошлым и будущим. Голос рабочего № 33-34, Архангельск (Russian); Retrieved April 14, 2013
  3. Article about Rotschegda on (Russian); Retrieved April 14, 2013
  4. Population of the municipal structures and localities of Arkhangelsk Oblast including the Nenets Autonomous Okrug Results of the all-Russian census 2010 on the website of the State Statistical Office of Arkhangelsk Oblast (Russian); accessed on February 12, 2016 ( memento of October 7, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  5. Konezgorjer Narrow Gauge Railway on Sergei Bolashenko's website ( Memento of the original from May 14, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (Russian); Retrieved April 14, 2013 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /