Sootbush Tyrant

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Sootbush Tyrant
Smoky Bush-Tyrant - Colombia S4E2618 (16872176442) .jpg

Sootbush Tyrant ( Myiotheretes fumigatus )

Subordination : Screeching Birds (Tyranni)
Family : Tyrants (Tyrannidae)
Subfamily : Fluvicolinae
Tribe : Xolmiini
Genre : Myiotheretes
Type : Sootbush Tyrant
Scientific name
Myiotheretes fumigatus
Boissonneau , 1840

The soot bush tyrant ( Myiotheretes fumigatus ) or sometimes just soot tyrant is a species of bird from the family of tyrants (Tyrannidae). The species has a large range that includes the South American countries Venezuela , Colombia , Ecuador and Peru . The IUCN assesses the population as Least Concern .


The soot bush tyrant reaches a body length of about 20 centimeters. The plumage is evenly colored with a sooty brown. He has a short whitish eyebrow line above his eyes. There are also whitish stripes on the throat. The wings and tail are soot-colored. The wing covers have thin brownish yellow edges. The small arm covers and the inner control springs are cinnamon colored.

distribution and habitat

The species occurs in moist mountain forests and forest edges near the tree line at altitudes between 2000 and 3800 meters. Here it moves in the middle strata of the subtropical to temperate zones . In somewhat more open and higher areas, it is replaced by the striped-throated bush tyrant ( Myiotheretes striaticollis ).


When looking for food you can see the bird alone or in small groups. You can rarely find him in mixed flocks. In search of prey, he mainly examines leaves, epiphytes and twigs and branches overgrown with moss. It rarely catches its food in flight or on the ground.


Four subspecies are described, which differ mainly in their coloration and their range:

  • Myiotheretes fumigatus fumigatus (Boissonneau, 1840) - nominate form . Occurs in Colombia except in Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and in northern Ecuador.
  • Myiotheretes fumigatus olivaceus ( Phelps, Sr & Phelps, Jr , 1953) - In contrast to the nominate form, has an indistinct white-gray eyebrow. The under tail-coverts are brownish. The distribution area extends from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta to the west of Venezuela in the Serranía de los Motilones forest reserve near the 3750 meter high Cerro Tetari , in the west of the state of Zulia and on the Río Chiquito in the south of Táchira .
  • Myiotheretes fumigatus lugubris ( Berlepsch , 1883) - only differs in color by the color of the pale yellow-brown under tail-coverts. Occurs in the Andes of western Venezuela from the south of Trujillo to the north of Táchira.
  • Myiotheretes fumigatus cajamarcae ( Chapman , 1927) - Has a little less brown in the plumage than the nominate form. So the overall impression is a bit darker in color and not olive brown. This is particularly noticeable on the belly and the under tail coverts. Throat is a little less ocher in color. Present in the south of Ecuador in the province of Cañar to Cusco in the south of Peru.


Auguste Boissonneau first described this bush tyrant under Tyrannula fumigata . The name fumigata is derived from the Latin word fumus (= smoke).


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Myiotheretes fumigatus in the endangered Red List species the IUCN 2011. Posted by: BirdLife International, 2009. Accessed November 17, 2011th
  2. IBIS Volume 25 Issue 4 p. 492 Descriptions of six new Species of Birds from Southern and Central America. Ochthodieta lugubris (Eng.)
  3. Description of new birds from northwestern Peru and western Colombia. American Museum novitates; no.250 p. 4 Ochthodieta fumigata cajamarc, new subspecies (English; PDF; 641 kB)
  4. ^ Revue zoologique par la Société cuviérienne 1840 p. 71 Oiseaux nouveaux de Santa-Fé de Bogota Tyrannula fumigata (French)