Rudolf Friedmann

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Dissertation Rudolf Friedmann.jpg

Rudolf Friedmann (born October 8, 1891 in Brooklyn ; died February 28, 1945 in Buchenwald Concentration Camp / Halberstadt Command) was a German-Jewish journalist , foreign correspondent for various magazines, writer , translator and lawyer .


Rudolf Friedmann was born on October 8, 1891 in Brooklyn / USA as the son of Ernst Friedemann and Sophia Friedemann. Albrecht born. He was a US national due to his birth in the United States. However, an application for naturalization in 1927 shows that he was stateless at the time. Little is known about early adolescence. He had lived in Berlin with his parents since 1899. His father Ernst Friedmann was a businessman, later rendant at the Lessing Theater and head of administration as well as managing director of the "Deutsche Künstler-Theater Sozietät" in Berlin. In 1916 Friedmann received his doctorate from the law faculty of the University of Greifswald with a legal history thesis. In the same year he translated speeches by British Secretary of War David Lloyd George into German.

In 1918 Rudolf Friedmann married Frederike Juliane Maria Adela Rosam, née Hirschfeld, in Kassel . According to the entry in the marriage certificate, at the time he was an insurance officer, doctor of law and lived with his wife in Hansastr. 6 in Kassel. Until 1920 Friedmann worked as district manager of the Hamburg-Mannheimer insurance company in Kassel. In addition, he published magazine articles a. a. in the publication " Freie Deutsche Bühne " under the pseudonym Rudolf Friedmann-Brook. That same year, he was sentenced to four months in prison for forgery , fraud and embezzlement . In 1922 and 1927 he submitted applications for naturalization in Germany. You have been rejected. Since then he has apparently worked exclusively as a journalist , art critic, foreign correspondent and writer .

From 1924 he lived in France. As far as is known, the dates of his life up to his death in 1945 are summarized in the blog "Naturalizations Germany 1870 to 1933 - Dr. Rudolf Friedmann". In this regard, the article on the lemma refers to the facts reported there. Other sources have not yet been developed.

Friedmann has written for numerous publications since 1924, including Die Weltbühne , Simplicissimus , German Art and Decoration , the magazine for geopolitics and the highlands .

Individual evidence

  3. ^ Rudolf Friedmann-Brook: The anti-Semitism of the intellectuals . In: Free German Stage . 1st year, volume 48. Verlag der Freie Deutsche Bühne, Berlin July 25, 1920, p. 203-204 .
  4. ^ Rudolf Friedmann-Brook: Art and Religion . In: Free German Stage . tape 2 . Publishing house of the Free German Stage, Berlin 1920, p. 115-117 .
  5. ^ Rudolf Friedmann-Brook: Erdgeist in Paris . In: Carl von Ossietzky (Ed.): Weltbühne . tape 24/1 , no. 26 . Charlottenburg June 26, 1928, p. 996 .
  6. ^ Rudolf Friedmann-Brook: Number thirteen . In: Carl von Ossietzky (Ed.): Die Weltbühne . tape 24 / II , no. 28 . Charlottenburg July 10, 1928, p. 71 .
  7. ^ Rudolf Friedmann-Brook: Parisian People's Theater . In: Carl von Ossietzky (Ed.): Die Weltbühne . tape 24 / II , no. 34 . Charlottenburg August 21, 1928, p. 299 .
  8. ^ Rudolf Friedmann-Brook: Stresemann in Paris . In: Carl von Ossietzky (Ed.): Die Weltbühne . tape 24 / II , no. 36 . Charlottenburg September 4, 1928, p. 381 .
  9. ^ Rudolf Friedmann-Brook: The experts are filmed . In: Carl von Ossietzky (Ed.): Die Weltbühne . tape 25 / I , no. 16 . Charlottenburg April 16, 1929, p. 612 .
  10. ^ Rudolf Friedmann-Brook: In Barcelona . In: Carl von Ossietzky (Ed.): Die Weltbühne . tape 25 / II , no. 30 . Charlottenburg July 23, 1929, p. 149 .
  11. ^ Rudolf Friedmann: France and the Pan-Arab Movement. In: highlands. Volume 32, No. 8. Kösel, Kempten, pp. 117–128 . In: Carl Muth (Ed.): Hochland . tape 32 , no. 8 . Kösel, Kempten 1935, p. 117-128 .