Rudolf Gangnus

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Johann Rudolf Wilhelmowitsch Gangnus ( Russian Рудольф Вильгельмович Гангнус * February 20 . Jul / 4. March  1883 . Greg in Spāre, county Talsen , Courland Governorate ; † 14. May 1949 in Moscow ) was a German-Baltic - Russian mathematician and university professor .


Gangnus was the son of the glass blower Heinrich Wilhelm Gangnus in the glass factory in Mordangen (Talsen district), who married the widow of his older brother Karoline Luise Kannberg and founded his own company on the north shore of Lake Usma . Gangnus attended school in Talsi and then high school in Riga . 1902–1911 he studied at the physics and mathematics faculty of Moscow University .

After graduating, Gangnus was a teacher at Moscow high schools. Together with his wife Anna Wassiljewna nee Plotnikowa (1885-1943) he took part in the revolutionary movement ( February Revolution 1917 and October Revolution ). In 1921 Gangnus became head of department in the People's Commissariat for Education . In 1922 he became prorector of the Latvian Pedagogical Institute in Moscow. He taught at the workers' faculties . Together with Juli Ossipowitsch Hurwitz , Gangnus wrote the well-known textbook of geometry in two parts (1932 and 1934) and in 1935 an introductory textbook on geometry. These textbooks were translated into the languages ​​important in the USSR ( Yiddish , Polish , German , Udmurt and others).

Gangnus was arrested in March 1938 and sentenced to a labor camp for counter-revolutionary agitation . He was sent to the Kargopol camp, where he worked in the camp school. In 1943 he was released from the camp into exile in Murom , where he taught in schools No. 12 and No. 16.

Gangnus had two children. The daughter Irina Rudolfowna (1914-2004) was an architect and married the engineer Boris Saulowitsch Kosinzow (1916-2011), whose daughter Marija Borisovna became a physicist . The son Alexander Rudolfowitsch (1910-1976) was a geologist and in his first marriage with the geologist Sinaida Yermolajewna Evtuschenko (1910-2002) father of the poet Evgeny Alexandrovich Evtuschenko and in his second marriage with the mineralogist Natalija Alexandrovna Vogelman (1913-2004) father of the literary man Alexander Alexandrowitsch Gangnus and the programmer Vladimir Alexandrowitsch Gangnus.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d EDMUND MATER ЭДМУНД МАТЕР: GERMAN AUTHORS OF RUSSIA НЕМЕЦКИЕ АВТОРЫ РОССИИ. ENCYCLOPEDIA ЭНЦИКЛОПЕДИЯ BAND ТОМ 3 . S. 20 ( GANGNUS, Rudolf Wilgelmovitsch; ГАНГНУС Рудольф Вильгельмович (Иоганн Рудольф) [PDF; accessed on March 22, 2018]).
  2. a b Гангнусы, линия московская (accessed March 22, 2018).
  3. Евтушенко: Love story (fb2) (accessed March 22, 2018).
  4. Брусиловский Г. К., Гангнус Р. В .: Рабочая книга по математике: курс рабфака. Части 1–3 . Госиздат, Moscow, Leningrad 1928.
  5. Брусиловский Г. К., Гангнус Р. В .: Курс математики для индустриальных техникумов: учебник. Части 1–5 . 3. Edition. Гостехиздат, Moscow, Leningrad 1931.
  6. JO Gurwiz, RW Gangnus: Systematic course of geometry textbook fd middle schools . Staatsverlag f. Textbooks and Pedagogy, Moscow 1933.
  7. JO Gurwiz, RW Gangnus: beginnings of geometry for the 5th grade of middle school . 3. Edition. State Publishing House of National Minorities, Kiev, Charkow 1935.